
Liberal, Biden-Voting Mass. Town Furious that Illegals are Moving In

The leftist voters in a liberal Massachusetts town are furious that they are suddenly being inundated with the exact thing they voted for when they pulled the lever for Joe the destroyer Biden.

Norfolk, Massachusetts with 11,500 residents voted at plus 22 for Biden in 2020. But now they are peeved that Biden is doing just what he promised he would do by importing millions of illegals into this country. And now they are headed to Norfolk.

And boy are these lefties pissed.

Apparently, the state is proposing that a shuttered jail, the Massachusetts Bay State Correctional Center, be used to house illegals instead of prisoners.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Per Fox News:

“Let’s face it, we don’t want it here. We don’t,” resident John Semas said, according to GBH.

“And, it doesn’t make us bad people, it doesn’t make me not compassionate, it doesn’t make me a bad father.” Semas was among a small group of people donning shirts and placards that read “Save Norfolk: No Shelter,” the publication reports.


At Wednesday’s meeting, resident Lauren Vives said the shelter could bring a financial burden to the town, which only has two elementary schools, one ambulance, a small police and fire department and no grocery store.

“The proposition to increase our town’s population by 4% overnight is preposterous,” Vivas said, according to GBH. She said that the plan shows “a lack of respect” for the town.

But, why are these nitwits all upset? This is what they voted for.

Why the long faces?


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Cross-posted with The Lid


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Warner Todd Huston

Warner Todd Huston has been writing editorials and news since 2001 but started his writing career penning articles about U.S. history back in the early 1990s. Huston has appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN, and several local Chicago News programs to discuss the issues of the day. Additionally, he is a regular guest on radio programs from coast to coast. Huston has also been a Breitbart News contributor since 2009. Warner works out of the Chicago area, a place he calls a "target rich environment" for political news.

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