
Lib Governor Backpedals HARD After Suggesting An Illegal Alien Lived With Him (Video)

Was this guy not paying attention when Tom Homan practically dared politicians to expose themselves to criminal prosecution for aiding an illegal alien?

Is this guy just some kind of a big talker puffing himself up in front of a friendly NeverTrump audience? Or did he tell the truth and regret it later now that he’s worried about exposure to criminal prosecution?

Whatever the reason, Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey has found himself in hot water after boasting about how he’s helping someone whose citizenship status is not on solid ground… and housing that person in his own residence.

In case he didn’t get the memo, there are laws on the books about such actions, and there is no ‘but I’m a governor’ carve-out for such laws.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

For a party that spent the last 4 years bleating ‘no one is above the law’ as they rounded up Republicans for prosecution — including the President — surely he knows better to come out in public as a scofflaw, doesn’t he

Judging by the fact that he’s announced the presence of someone living above his garage who is not a citizen, and specifically said ‘good look to the feds coming in to try to get her’… he does NOT actually know better than to come out in public as a scofflaw.

It almost sounds like he’s threatening federal enforcement, does it not?

Needless to say, the clip went viral. And then it came up in a segment on Hannity’s show. Unfortunately for the governor, Sean’s guest at the time was none other than Tom Homan, who will not be treating this as an unserious statement.

Charlie Kirk reminded the public about a relevant statute Murphy might want to consider: “Title 8, U.S.C. 1324, the basic penalty of harboring an illegal immigrant is up to five years in prison”

Not surprisingly, the spin team has come out in response:

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy’s office furiously tried to back-peddle Monday after he boasted that he had opened his home to a migrant and taunted the Trump administration “to try to get her.’’

A rep told The Post that the loose-lipped Jersey leader had been “misinterpreted” and that no such situation had occurred — even though Murphy had dared the feds to come after the migrant.

Murphy had boasted during a weekend interview with a liberal organization that he and wife Tammy had opened their home to a female migrant and challenged the feds to do anything about it — as ICE agents continue to carry out sweeping deportation raids across the country.
[…] “No one’s ever lived in the home” under those circumstances that the governor described, the representative insisted. — NewJersey

The question Tom Homan will have to untangle is simple: are we dealing with a blowhard that lies for political clout, or an unprincipled coward that tries to lie his way out of trouble.

After the heavy hand this guy used during COVID, especially against the gym owners, we hope he gets the same impartial and magnanimous treatment by law enforcement that he so generously granted those under his leadership:

COVIDICTATORS: Court Upholds NJ Health Dep’t Closure Of Gym–Co-Owner Vows To Fight ‘Slimeball’ Gov. Phil Murphy

COVIDICTATORS: NJ Seizes Bank Account Of Atilis Gym Owners Despite Pending Litigation

For anyone wondering how that resolved, in 2024, the gym owners were finally cleared of all charges that any reasonably-minded person knew should never have been leveled in the first place.

Four years of court action? Sure would be a shame if the Governor found himself caught in the same trap he so nonchalantly dumped honest citizens into, wouldn’t it?

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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