
Lee County, Virginia Votes to Arm Teachers

Lee County, Virginia – The Lee County School Board voted unanimously to allow specific teachers to be armed, and they will pay for the training and the guns, according to WHJL.  They are the first school in Virginia to do so.

“The only way to fight a gun if somebody comes through these doors with a gun to shoot our students, is with another gun.” Lee County School Board Chairman Michael Kidwell

The program will be voluntary, and several teachers have already expressed a desire to be considered for the program. The school board felt that it was the most financially viable way to combat the possibility of school shootings.

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A limited number of teachers will be chosen for the project in each of the District’s 11 schools. The District stated that it can’t afford to place metal detectors and hire school resource officers at all the facilities.

The District will not reveal the names of the teachers who choose to participate in the program. The process for selecting the teachers will be strict and involve a rigid screening process for the application, and training requirements.

WHJL reported,

“At least it gives us a chance. If we sat there and did nothing, I couldn’t sleep at night. At least we’re trying to do something,” says school board member Rob Hines. ..

One former teacher tells News Channel 11 that most teachers would be willing to go face-to-face with a gunman if it meant saving one of their students. 

“Sooner or later, it could happen. And like some of the board members said tonight, we need to be prepared if it does,” says Ronald Earley, former Lee County schools teacher and principal. 

One teacher was worried over the school board’s decision.

“The more guns that are out there, the more problems we are going to have.” Beth Davies.

That is a “talking point” given by the anti-gun crowd…and it is not correct. Hopefully, once this program initiates, the naysayers will be more comfortable with it.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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