Leaked emails: Dems cheer loss of jobs in North Carolina
Responding to news that the state of North Carolina lost jobs and millions in revenue due to passage of HB2, the so-called “bathroom bill,” a DNC official said, “Awesome,” according to emails made public by Wikileaks, blogger Sister Toldjah wrote at the Independent Journal Review.
“This is great – can we forward to our LGBT and National lists,” another DNC official wrote.
"This is great" – @TheDemocrats on NC losing revenue, jobs over #HB2. https://t.co/LMgGt7s0Wy #ncpol #ncga #ncdp pic.twitter.com/uVCiR3TYBa
— Sister Toldjah ? (@sistertoldjah) July 26, 2016
She added:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
As for party officials high-fiving over the loss of jobs and revenue, now that’s a real shocker. Or it is for people who haven’t paid attention as Democrats both in state and out of state – special interest groups, media types, and politicians alike, including Attorney General/Democrat candidate for governor Roy Cooper – have actively sought to punish this state economically through harmful boycotts and calls for corporate bullying.
And once they were answered, these same groups and politicians raised money and solicited for votes and support off of news that jobs and revenue were being lost!
Democrats, of course, are denying the emails were celebratory in nature, but the only people buying it are those who desperately want this issue to go away. You can’t deny what’s there in black and white for all the world to see: the contempt for North Carolinians who don’t share their views, the glee over the economic harm that has come to the state – and those working to support themselves and their families – as a result for the calls to boycott and otherwise back out of established deals.
“Who in their right minds would be happy upon hearing the news that innocent people have lost jobs and other financial opportunities?” she correctly asks. And it’s a very good question that deserves an answer.
But keep in mind, this is the same party that just nominated the most evil person ever to run for the highest office in the land…
- Historic: Dems nominate most evil person to run for President
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