Khizr Khan: John Kelly not allowed to speak on Gold Star families, should retire and shut up

While appearing on Sunday’s edition of CBS’ Face the Nation, Khizr Khan, the Gold Star father who spoke at the Democrat National Convention in 2016, said in no uncertain terms that Gen. John Kelly should not have weighed in on the controversy regarding a phone call made by President Trump to the widow of Army Sgt. La David Johnson.
Moreover, Khan suggested that Kelly has no place in public service and should simply retire, slink away and shut up.
“We acknowledge his [Kelly’s] sacrifices and service and his family’s service. But now he is citizen of United States, should have refrained from doing exactly same thing what he was complaining about,” Khan said.
“This is American tradition that when military leaders retire, they go home, collect their pension, and they maintain the dignity that they have earned,” he added.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Khizr Khan says John Kelly should have "refrained" from weighing in on controversy surrounding Gold Star families:
— CBS News (@CBSNews) October 22, 2017
Naturally, his statement didn’t sit too well on Twitter.
So only Gold Star family members who speak at the DNC can comment on such matters
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) October 22, 2017
That pretty much sums it up.
So one Gold Star family member is okay to speak out (you), but not another whom you disagree with? Sure whatever….
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) October 22, 2017
"Only I may weigh in on controversies surrounding Gold Star families (during an election, no less)"
— Heimish Conservative (@HeimishCon) October 22, 2017
CBS added:
While the White House continues to defend the president, Khan said the administration should instead be showing “dignity and restraint” in the wake of the U.S. soldiers’ deaths, saying they have made the issue into “political football.”
“I offer my deepest condolence to the families of my four sons, brave hero sons that died protecting us,” Khan said. “Without their sacrifice, this nation would be vulnerable. They were serving this nation. They will always be remembered. Their families will always be remembered as best of America.”
He added, “I stand with them. I support them. They deserve utmost dignity and respect and privacy at this moment. That should have been quoted when this matter came to public.”
Khan also said he was “shocked” to see Kelly standing next to Mr. Trump during the president’s remarks on violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the summer. Mr. Trump compared the acts of violent demonstrators in August to that of counter-protesters, saying he condemned hatred and bigotry on “many sides.”
“I was shocked to see citizen Kelly standing next to the president when he- president could not have the proper word to condemn the attack on the blessed city of Charlottesville, Virginia, by Neo-Nazis,” said Khan.
Khan, by the way, has quite a history of controversial statements.
Last July, for example, he said that terrorists “have nothing to do with Islam,” echoing the sentiments of Hillary Clinton, the most evil person ever nominated to the White House by a major party.
In August, reports emerged that he published papers that support the supremacy of Islamic, or Sharia law — including the Constitution he championed at the DNC.
Now he dares to tells us who can or can’t speak out about issues affecting Gold Star families.
“By Khan’s logic, someone must forget all human experiences when going to serve at the White House,” Twitchy said.
- Khizr Khan: Constitution ‘must always be subordinated to the Sharia’
- Father of Muslim soldier to CNN: Terrorists ‘have nothing to do with Islam’
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