
John Kerry Made Deal with Heavy Polluter China, Then Dodges Their Human Rights Abuses. “Not My Lane”

We have written about Cackling Kamala, Giggling Granholm, and now we can add John Kerry to the mix. As the US “Climate Czar” – never mind how big his own “carbon footprint” is – John Kerry made a deal with giant polluter, China, to work on the environment. When he was asked about the Chinese use of the Uyghurs as slave labor, he laughed and said, “That’s not my lane here. My job is… I’m the climate guy.” Not exactly. He may be the latest ethics violator of the Biden administration.

Does anyone in the Biden administration really care about Americans…or anyone besides themselves for that matter?

John Kerry makes a deal…with the devil?

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

John Kerry has a reason not to confront China on the issue of Uyghur slave labor: he owns a $1 Million stake in a fund that is linked to China’s Uyghur abuses. Lawmakers have been sounding the alarm and telling Biden to fire him over ethics concerns. They won’t, of course. Biden’s own corrupt relatives making money from China show us they won’t lift a finger against Kerry.

John Kerry appears to have profited from a company tied to egregious human rights abuses in Xinjiang. Now it makes sense why he is actively working against my Uyghur Forced Labor Act . But this is bigger than Kerry. A climate deal cannot make our nation complicit to the Chinese Communist Party’s slave labor practices

Senator Marco Rubio

John Kerry is slippery. From being called a traitor for his actions in the Vietnam War, to going behind Trump’s back to meet with the Iranians over the nuclear deal, he’s had his filthy fingers in questionable transactions for a long time. He’s rich, being married to the Heinz heiress, and has too much power.

Anders Corr, an intelligence analyst and publisher of the Journal of Political Risk, called Kerry’s China investments “an outrage” due to the human rights implications.

“Far too many investors have continued to pour billions into China even after abundant evidence that the country is executing an ongoing genocide and threatens war against our closest allies,” Corr said. “That Kerry too had funds invested in China is an outrage, not least because he is a public official who claims to uphold the highest of ethics. Investing in China, given its shocking violation of human rights and totalitarian political system, should be cause for immediate removal from any positions of public trust.”

Kerry’s Hillhouse stake is through a trust in which his wife is the beneficiary. He stated in his disclosure that they are not involved in managing the investments. While Kerry sold off many of his energy-related holdings earlier this year, those divestments did not include Hillhouse, according to a disclosure filed in March with the Office of Government Ethics.

Washington Free Beacon

So to the woman who asked him how he handled China’s human rights abuses, it’s no wonder he “chuckled” and said it wasn’t his lane.

The “climate change” grift appears to be making Kerry a lot of money and continues to allow him to hypocritically take his private jet all over the world to be fêted by the “important” people who want you to sterilize yourself, eat bugs, discontinue all of your socialization, and freeze in the dark — for the good of the planet, of course. Meanwhile, they’re off partying together on yachts.

K Walker at Clash Daily

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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