
Joe’s “Retaliation” Bombings – Good or Ineffective?

Military leaders wonder if telling everyone ahead of time made the bombings ineffective.

As we previously reported, all of the surprise was taken out of Joe’s retaliation bombings. The campaign commenced on Friday with B-1 bombers launching from the US and striking 85 targets in Iraq and Syria in response to the attack that killed three US Service members last Sunday. Beach-bum Biden says that it will be a “sustained” campaign. Some former military and even a former intelligence official are not so sure.

Campaign of response bombings: Tactical success yes, strategic success not likely

“Well, first off, I want to express my admiration for our brave troops who carried out these strikes,” he said. “I have little doubt that the pilots and their crews had a tactical success tonight. I think it’s an open question whether this will be a strategic success by which I would set the standard for whether these attacks on Americans and international shipping stops. I have serious reservations about whether it will be a strategic success for numerous reasons. Just simply put one example. We let Iran’s leaders hightail it back to Iran from Syria and Iraq. So, I suspect we did not kill many key Iranian leaders in these regions.”

“Joe Biden also has shown no indication that he’s going to reverse his failed Iran policy, really, 11 years of failed Obama-Biden Iran policy of trying to appease and conciliating grant concessions to the Ayatollah,” Cotton added. “As far as I know, he is still giving sanctions relief to Iran to the tune of billions of dollars, even after the October 7 atrocities. So, while I don’t doubt that this will be a tactical success tonight and in the days ahead, I have very serious reservations about whether this will be a strategic success. We’ll know soon enough whether the attacks have stopped.” Senator Tom Cotton, R-AR 

Military perplexed? 

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“Well, the military was perplexed by the degree to which the administration telegraphed these strikes, because it gave the militia leaders and Iranian operatives in Iraq and Syria time to either get out of the country or go to ground by surrounding themselves with women and children. But if the militias intend to resume their strikes against American troops, sooner or later, they have to come out of hiding. And if tonight’s strikes were successful, when they come out of hiding, they won’t have much to work with.” CBS News National Security Correspondent David Martin

Saying we won’t hit Iran was foolish in the realm of these bombings

 “We’ve stated we are not going to strike in Iran. I kind of wish in a way we left if Iranians wondering what we might do there but if we are going to limit our attacks only to the militia, then we need to be prepared for a long haul, a long slog to take out sufficient infrastructure to get them to change their behavior. So I understand the approach. We are trying to thread a needle here to change a behavior but not to induce a wider war. That’s a tough thing to do.” James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence

On that note, remember when President George Bush spent months and months telling Sadam Hussein that we were coming for his weapons of mass destruction? When we finally got there, they couldn’t find any and the media had a field day mocking the whole thing. Gee. Wonder how THAT happened. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again- true leaders don’t advertise their actions ahead of time. The element of surprise is crucial to effectiveness in any military campaign, especially with retaliation bombings.

“He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared.” Sun Tzu- Chapter 3, the Art of War



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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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