
Joe Biden and the Democrats’ Poison Apple

Does it seem like you’re living in a cartoon when you watch the news these days?

Loads of people are pretending that a virus that is 99.86% non-lethal is the greatest crisis facing America. The threat of full-blown Communism is the greatest crisis facing America and the people who have lied to us about every aspect of the coronavirus are using it as an excuse to make that happen as quickly as possible.

Here are just a few of the numerous fantasies we are expected to go along with and pretend:

  • Democrats are major players and wear their masks even though they have supposedly been vaccinated and even though they’ve been “un-masked” as not complying or believing what they demand that everyone else do, no questions asked.
  • Joe Biden does as he is told and walks outside in a mask to give a speech about how masks are no longer required outside.
  • Media plays along because they are part of the same scam.
  • Riots by the right people are ignored or called “mostly peaceful,” but a mostly peaceful gathering of over a million people is called a “riot” and an “insurrection.”   It must be noted that while the media falsely reported deaths that were not attributable to the event itself, Ashlee Babbitt, who was unarmed was killed by a capitol police officer whose name we still don’t know because media ignored it.  Yet they claim to care about women.
  • The media and the Democrats pretend that Joe Biden is not suffering from an advancing case of dementia and that he’s in charge.  They also pretend that he won the Presidency but worked immediately to stop or cover up any investigation of broad scale charges of voter fraud.
  • Joe Biden gave his first speech to a joint session of congress on April 28th where the pretending and pretensions were in full spring bloom.  He said he entered office with the largest recession since the great depression. Wasn’t that the same line Obama/Biden used during their administration?  We’re not supposed to notice the booming economy under Trump that they have worked feverishly to dismantle.

Here is the most apt cartoon for the times in which we’re living.  In his first address to a joint session of Congress on April 28, 2021, Joe Biden offered giveaway after giveaway to the Left’s favorite victim groups, all designed to paint him as magnanimous and caring. Never mind that it’s our money, that it will be used to redistribute wealth from those who earned it to those who didn’t, and that the misery index for everyone will be the only thing that will boom.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Never mind that this is the poisonous apple of the welfare state that leads to authoritarianism that that will kill this country’s economy and the work ethic, free will and self-determination of its citizens. They will be left unconscious and defenseless just like Snow White.

Remember how naïve she was to think that she could have whatever she wanted by trusting the old woman who was really the evil queen?  She wrapped her poison in a pretty package, a shiny delicious apple. Snow White wanted to find her true love so badly, she took a bite.  Wasn’t there some forbidden fruit that was mentioned in the bible too?  That didn’t turn out well either.

Will Americans be just as naïve as Snow White?

Cross-posted with KarenKataline.com


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