
James Woods Nukes Hillary Clinton Over Feigned Russia Outrage

James Woods is a Twitter savant, constantly posting gems of knowledge and lighting up Democrats and liberals in fiery ways not seen from many others, certainly not in the land of Hollywood.

And the conservative actor did it once again, stating the true reason why the left has gone apoplectic with their outrage over the Trump-Putin summit.

Woods first addressed what he called his “hopeful take” on the summit between the two world leaders.

“It seems 90% disagree with my original hopeful take on this summit,” he wrote. “So be it. I simply am not worried about Russia.”

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Bear in mind, had the President returned from the summit with Putin’s head on a platter the left would still be calling for impeachment and accusing him of treason.

That’s when Woods dropped this epic truth bomb on the true motivation of Democrats and the media in feigning outrage over Trump’s relationship with Russia.

“The whole Russia mantra seems like one more engineered complaint, the last hurrah in a two-year hissy fit over a coronation for Hillary Clinton that never happened,” he revealed.

There is little doubt that the whole narrative of Trump and Russia cooling tensions is a terrible thing is motivated by Hillary’s loss. The left has latched on to this story since Trump sent Clinton packing in November.

It was, however, Clinton and Obama who issued a “reset” button on Russian relations, something she previously claimed was a “brilliant” plan.

“You famously pressed the reset button. Are you embarrassed by that now, that gesture?” a BBC reporter asked.

“No,” Clinton replied. “I thought it was a brilliant stroke, which in retrospect appears even more so, because look at what we accomplished.”

Yes, just look at what we accomplished – allowing Russia to meddle in our elections just a few years later.

Her relationship with Russia almost makes one wonder what team she was on, a question she taunted President Trump with just days ago.

Fortunately, Woods had an incredible response to that as well.

Game. Set. Match.

Cross-posted with Mental Recession


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