
Iran Abruptly Demands That It OWNS Antarctica

A new report shows how Iran, which repeatedly has sought to destabilize the world through its sponsorship of terror and wild threats, has abruptly insisted that it owns Antarctica.

It’s part of the rogue Islamic regime’s “larger pattern of aggressive behavior that threatens global security and stability,” according to a report in U.S. Newspaper.

The report described Iran’s claim as “surprising” and explained it was claiming “ownership of Antarctica” as well as posing a direct challenge to “the international treaty that governs the continent.”

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The claim came in a letter to the United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, from Iran’s Foreign Ministry.

The report commented, “This move has been viewed as a provocation by many countries, including the United States, who have long recognized the Antarctic Treaty System. The treaty, signed in 1959 by 12 nations, including the US, Russia, China, and several European countries, established Antarctica as a natural reserve dedicated to peace and science.”

It explained Iran’s claim comes just as “heightened tensions between Tehran and Washington” have developed.

“Since the Trump administration withdrew from the nuclear deal with Iran in 2018 and re-imposed sanctions, the relationship between the two countries has been strained. Iran has taken steps back from its commitments under the agreement, raising concerns about the potential for a new conflict in the region.”

The report noted that Iran’s claim actually has no legal or historical precedent or evidence.

Analysts suggested Iran was using the scandalous claim as a diversion from its domestic economic collapse and the political unrest it is experiencing.

Reaction from other nations was muted, with the U.S. declining to make any comment. But opposition is expected.

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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