
Less Than 50 Days Until Life In America Changes Forever, And Our Nation Is Primed For Massive Civil Unrest

Years of extremely inflammatory rhetoric from the mainstream media and from many of our leaders have brought us to the brink of a societal nightmare.  The numbers that I am about to share with you are horrifying, but it is so important for us to understand what is ahead of us.  In an article that I posted yesterday, I discussed the recent attempt on Trump’s life and I stated that “there are some that truly wish that he had been killed”.  Unfortunately, that was a tremendous understatement.  According to a survey that was conducted after the most recent attempt on Trump’s life, 17 percent of all Americans think that America would “be better off” if Trump had been killed

Veteran pollster Scott Rasmussen’s national survey of 1,000 registered voters, conducted by RMG Research for the Napolitan News Service, asked Americans about Sunday’s second assassination attempt on Trump. It included this pointed question:

While it is always difficult to wish ill of another human being, would America be better off if Donald Trump had been killed last weekend?

17% Yes
69% No
14% Not sure

There are approximately 333 million people living in the United States today.

17 percent of 333 million is 56.6 million.

So there are approximately 56.6 million Americans who wish that Trump had been killed last weekend.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Just think about that number for a moment.

That is nuts!

Of course, most of the people that wish that Trump had been killed are Democrats.

According to the same survey, a whopping 28 percent of all Democrats believe that America would “be better off” if Trump had been killed, and another 24 percent are not sure…

That figure includes 28% of Democrats who say that America would have been better off if Trump had been assassinated. Another 24% of Democrats were not sure. Fewer than half (48%) of Democrats could bring themselves to say that America would not be better off if the opposing party’s candidate for president had been assassinated.

Scott Rasmussen, president of RMG Research, said “It is hard to imagine a greater threat to democracy than expressing a desire to have your political opponent murdered.”

This just shows how far gone this nation is.

If he wins the election, how is Trump supposed to govern this country when more than 50 million people want him dead?

Trump has already survived two assassination attempts, and it will literally be a miracle if he actually makes it to the election.

On Wednesday, there were reports that an “explosive device” had been found in a vehicle close to a venue where Trump would soon be holding a rally…

Police have reportedly discovered an “explosive device” in a car near President Trump’s rally venue in Uniondale, New York tonight.

According to Nassau County Police Department sources, “During K9, doing their checks, they found an explosive device in one of the vehicles and that driver ended up running into the woods.” Another source from the department confirmed this, investigative reporter James Lalino told The Gateway Pundit.

News of this “explosive device” quickly spread all over the Internet, but now authorities are claiming that it was just a false alarm

A spokesperson for the Nassau County Police Department confirmed to DailyMail.com that ‘there was a suspicious occurrence’ on Wednesday ahead of Trump’s speech where thousands of MAGA fans are gathering.

But there is ‘no validity’ to a report that there was an ‘explosive device found.’

‘Reports of explosives being found at the site are unfounded,’ said Nassau County Commissioner of Police Patrick Ryder.

He went on to blame a suspect with a ‘self-trained bomb-detecting dog’ for sounding the alarm about explosives near the rally site.

Hopefully, it really was just a false alarm.

At a recent Trump rally in Arizona, multiple people who were sitting on the stage behind Trump ended up with serious eye injuries

It’s a mystery at a Donald Trump rally that left multiple people with eye injuries and few answers.

The News 4 Tucson Investigators spoke exclusively with six people who were seated on stage behind the former president during his rally in Tucson last week. Three of them agreed to on camera interviews.

One of the injured Trump supporters is a woman named Mayra Rodriguez.

It is being reported that on the Friday morning after the rally, “she was nearly blind”

“The emergency room staff, from the triage nurse to the PA [Physicians Assistant] asked are you sure you didn’t get sprayed with something your symptoms look like you got sprayed with something,” she said.

The N4T Investigators spoke with her on Friday the morning after the event, she was nearly blind.

“I can’t see anything when I try to open my eyes. I see a bright light. It hurts, it hurts a lot to open my eyes. I have this cold cloth I put on and take off constantly. It’s horrible,” she explained.

How did this happen?

Obviously whatever occurred affected multiple people on that stage.

Was something sprayed toward the stage?

Was this some sort of an attack on Trump?

Needless to say, Trump has not reported any problems with his eyes.

Personally, I don’t know what to think.

Hopefully, we will get more answers in the days ahead.

I think that it would be wise for Trump to play it safe and stop holding rallies, but he will never do that.

Trump knows that if he loses this election, he will be going to prison for the rest of his life.

So I think that he is willing to put everything on the line in an all-out attempt to win this election.

And right now most polls show that it is a very tight race.

Earlier today, I came across a new Gallup poll that shows that Donald Trump actually has a higher favorability rating than Kamala Harris does…

Nearly identical percentages of U.S. adults rate Donald Trump (46%) and Kamala Harris (44%) favorably in Gallup’s latest Sept. 3-15 poll, during which the candidates debated for the first time. Both candidates, however, have higher unfavorable than favorable ratings. Trump’s unfavorable rating is seven percentage points higher than his favorable score, and Harris’ is 10 points higher.

In less than 50 days, the wait will be over.

If Trump wins the election, tens of millions of Democrats who absolutely hate him will throw an absolutely massive temper tantrum.

We are talking about civil unrest in the streets on a scale that would be absolutely frightening.

Of course, there will also be a tremendous amount of turmoil if Kamala Harris ends up winning.

I don’t see any way that this ends well, and that means that life in America is about to change forever.

Cross-posted with Sons of Liberty Media


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Michael Snyder

Michael T. Snyder is a graduate of the University of Florida law school and he worked as an attorney in the heart of Washington D.C. for a number of years. Today, Michael is best known for his work as the publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog. Michael and his wife, Meranda, believe that a great awakening is coming and are working hard to help bring renewal to America. Michael is also the author of the book The Beginning Of The End

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