Insane: Liberals Claim Trump’s Criticism of Soros Is Anti-Semitic Dog Whistle
George Soros is a real-life Dr. Evil, the only difference is that he’s more dangerous and not as funny. He has disrupted Democracy and Capitalism across the world. And there is plenty of evidence that he is a major funder of the anti-Kavanaugh protests and the later accusations of sexual assault. But when President Trump slammed protesters opposed to Brett Kavanaugh, and that the women who confronted Senator Jeff Flake were being paid by billionaire George Soros crazy liberals said he was being anti-Semitic and sending an anti-Semitic dogwhistle
On Friday, the President tweeted:
He was almost immediately answered in “The Forward,” a website that grew out of a now extinct Yiddish daily newspaper with a socialist bent. In an opinion piece written by Andrew Paul called Trump’s Shameful Anti-Semitic Dogwhistle Puts Him In Bad Company. Paul wrote:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Trump fired this one off at 8:03am as the Senate convened for a cloture vote on accused sexual assaulter and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
This isn’t just a dog-whistle. It’s an openly anti-Semitic, easily debunked conspiracy theory put forth by the President of the United States. Blaming a rich Jew for controlling the levers behind a mass protest organized by your political opponents is the stuff anti-Semitic cartoons have been made of for centuries.
In an even more macabre twist, Trump’s dog-whistle ties the bigoted trope of shadowy Jewish financiers to the bravely vocal survivors of sexual assault and trauma fighting for their lives. It implies that we Jews are funding the very women they’ve accused us of lusting over and coveting for generations.
First of all, it wasn’t a dog whistle. I showed the President’s tweet to my dog Soos (Hebrew for horse). She was not impressed. She looked up for a half-second and then rolled over on her back which is her way of telling one of her pet humans to rub her tummy.
A July Daily Caller post reported that Soros was the money man behind one of the big anti-Kavanaugh groups, Demand for Justice which is run by former Hillary mouthpiece Brian Fallon. And of course, one of Ms. Fords Lawyer is the vice chair of the board of directors for the Project on Government Oversight (POGO), a Soros-funded “watchdog” group. BTW Demand Justice is run by former Hillary Clinton press secretary Brian Fallon.
My friend J.E. Dyer, who blogs at Liberty Unyielding, pointed out that the one of the lawyers for Kavanaugh’s accuser Debra Katz is the vice chair of the board of directors for the Project on Government Oversight (POGO), a Soros-funded “watchdog” group.
But of course that didn’t stop the Deputy Washington editor of the NY Times from accusing the Soros tweet of being anti-Semitic.
I'm sorry but the "Soros is paying them" trope from the president of the United States is … wow. Read (((Semitism))): Being Jewish in America in the Age of Trump.
— Jonathan Weisman (@jonathanweisman) October 5, 2018
Along with the connections between Soros and Kavanaugh protesters explained above the Daily Caller also reported that George Soros funded groups helped to support the anti-Kavanaugh protests that were disrupting the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings:
Left-wing groups funded by George Soros and other major Democratic donors hand out cash to protesters arrested for disrupting Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings, the activists revealed Monday night.
A coalition of activist organizations including Women’s March, the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD) and Housing Works have scheduled the near-constant disruptions at the Kavanaugh hearings as part of an organized effort to derail the confirmation process in a series of meetings since he was first nominated.
The cash from the donor-funded groups goes toward the protesters’ post-and-forfeit payments — a small cash sum paid to resolve low-level misdemeanor crimes and avoid jail time.
Those are just some of the details representatives from the three groups revealed in a Monday night conference call planning their next two anti-Kavanaugh protests, one on Thursday and one next Monday.
Getting to the Flake’s elevator ladies specifically. fact that during an interview on MSNBC Friday, Ana Maria Archila, one of the elevator ladies who confronted Flake confirmed she is the executive director of the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD) and did not deny Trump’s characterization of her efforts. The CPD is indeed heavily funded by George Soros through the Open Society Foundation.
And Ana Maria Archila’s fellow elevator lady Maria Gallagher, is an activist with CPD.
Soros also helps to fund The Woman’s March group. Which led some of the recent Washington DC protests. The Woman’s March organization is run by anti-Semites but we never hear about that.
In fact Soros has never been considered a friend of the Jewish People or the Jewish State of Israel
Since 2001 the Soros network has given $2,688,561 to Adalah. According to NGO Monitor, Adelah describes itself as “independent human rights organization.” Adelah has been instrumental in falsely accusing Israel of war crimes on numerous occasions, including contributing charges to the now-disgraced Goldstone Report and the fake 2002 report of an Israeli massacre in Jenin. Adalah has also called on governments the world over to sever or downgrade their diplomatic relations with Israel.
Another favorite for Soros money is I’lam, is a Nazareth-based Palestinian media center. I’lam claims its mission is “to empower the Palestinian media landscape and society by promoting equal access to the Israeli media, encouraging a fair information-flow, and fostering professional standards.” Not stated in their mission but reported by NGO Monitor is the fact that I’lam creates and promotes allegations of media bias in the Israeli media as part of its political agenda. I’lam received about $1.1 million from the Soros organization.
The New Israel Fund (NIF) is also listed as a recipient of Soros’ love, $837,500 since 2009. The NIF donates money to anti-Israel groups dedicated to make false charges and/or promote the anti-Semitic BDS movement against the Jewish State including Adalah, B’Tselem, Breaking the Silence, and Physicians for Human Rights, Social TV and 972 Magazine, just to name a few.
Women Against Violence (WAV): received $1,430,000 of Soros and also supports the antisemitic BDS Movement.
Along with advocating for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, Mada al-Carmel – Arab Center for Applied Social Research which received $707K from Soros was one of the creators of the Haifa Document in 2007. The Haifa Document calls for a “change in the definition of the State of Israel from a Jewish state” and accuses Israel of “exploiting” the Holocaust “at the expense of the Palestinian people.”
And lets not forget that Soros helped to fund the creation of J-Street, the faux pro-Israel organization that is actually anti-Israel and supports the BDS movement.
On the other hand anyone who says President Trump has a single anti-Semitic bone in his body is a fool.
Putting aside for a moment, that for Trump to be an anti-Semite he would have to hate his daughter Ivanka who is a Shabbos-observant Jew, as is his son-in-law Jared Kushner, and their three children. The president’s son Eric’s wife, Lara Yunaskav, is Jewish according to Jewish law (because her mom is Jewish), and their new baby is technically Jewish for the same reason.
Trump has been very generous in donating to Jewish Organizations, and that’s how he earned the honor of being grand marshal of the Israel Day parade. In Jewish charities, typically the highest honors go to the biggest donors and BTW that was all before he entered politics.
Trump counts Jews among his circle of friends, including Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu (something that was very obvious when he visited Israel in May) and New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft.
As for support for the Jewish State, Donald Trump may be the most pro-Israel president ever.
Putting it all together, the proof seems to be that Soros did fund many of the Kavanaugh protest groups, including sending the elevator ladies to go after Senator Flake. George Soros was born Jewish but not a big friend to the Jewish people and the Jewish State. And finally Trump may be the most pro-Israel President in American history, and if he was actually an anti-Semite he would hate his daughter Ivanka and all of his grandchildren.
However if any of those liberals want to really find a president who spewed anti-Semitic dog whistles, I have done some homework and a found an ex-president who did that..his name is Barack Obama.
Cross-posted with The Lid.
- Anti-Kavanaugh Protesters and Ties to George Soros
- Why Isn’t The FBI Investigating George Soros?
- Reports: Liberal terrorists issue DEATH THREATS against Republican senators
- Democrat Admits: We’re Going to Pay for Kavanaugh Smear Campaign in November
- Rasmussen: Majority agree with Kavanaugh that ‘process a disgrace’
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