
HR 1044 – Beware the Agenda to Replace American Workers

HR 1044 has an innocuous title. Dubbed the “Fairness for High Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019” it probably sounds like the merit-based immigration that President Trump has been pushing. Beware: it’s NOT. And it’s actually an attempt to go around Trump’s idea and codify actions that would ultimately destroy opportunities for Americans by giving good jobs away to immigrants instead. It was passed by the House and is before the Senate at this time. And a large number of Republicans fell for it.

HR 1044
Screenshot of Photo via MyAttorneyUSA

Obviously, the Republicans that signed on to this only read the title and didn’t dig into the bill very far, or there were special interests involved. Lots of them. In order to pass the bill, the House “suspended the rules” and agreed to pass it on 7-10-2019. The vote was 365-65.

“House Resolution 1044 is a bill that will substantially change the scope of the U.S. immigration and green card distribution system. For starters, it removes a safeguard that prevents green card figures from being monopolized by people from a single country. This safeguard, known as the “per country cap,” ensures that visas are available to a diverse global pool of workers from a variety of different occupational industries…”

Western Free Press

Skilled workers or immigrants?

President Trump has created a program to train Americans in skilled labor to compensate for the lack of skilled workers in our industries.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

H1B visas (or employee based immigrants) are granted to those who have at least a Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent from an accredited University, and the employer here must offer them a job FIRST. They are temporary visas for specific work in a specialized field. It currently has a cap of 65,000 for Bachelors Degrees, and 20,000 for Masters Degrees. They can only stay in the US for up to 3 years unless it is extended to a maximum of 6. The bill contains a “fast track” to green cards.

HR 1044

“To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to eliminate the per-country numerical limitation for employment-based immigrants, to increase the per-country numerical limitation for family-sponsored immigrants, and for other purposes.

HR 1044

In other words, they are eliminating the limitations on the number of visas, and actually increasing them. Also, ALWAYS pay attention to the term “and for other purposes.” The bill is aimed at high tech workers from India, as well as Chinese workers and investors.

Translation: if immigrants from a country are not in the top tier of available visas, a ratio will be used to expand the number of visas available. That’s not even counting the other provisions.

Frontpagemag writes: Clearly this bill does not provide good news for American high-tech workers or their families, nor does it provide good news for American college students who are running up huge student loans to acquire STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics) degrees to qualify them for high-tech jobs.

Under the provisions of H.R.1044 hundreds of thousands of nonimmigrant (temporary) foreign workers from India, in particular, who are currently working in the United States under the infamous H-1B visa will be fast-tracked for lawful immigrant status and provided with Green Cards.  In other words, they will become a permanent part of the U.S. labor pool.

Chinese investors will be able to more easily acquire lawful immigrant status by investing in the United States, increasing China’s already huge “footprint” in the United States.

There are additional provisions that are problematic.

Yet this bill went largely ignored by the mainstream media that even on July 10, 2019 when that legislative disaster was passed by the House of Representatives by a vote of 365-65, 57 Republicans voting against the bill.

Furthermore, the bill was voted on without a single hearing and without any amendments being added.

Michael Cutler at Frontpagemag

If Congress was going to pass an immigration bill, why didn’t they pass one that fixed the problems at the US border? And why was this bill passed without hearings?

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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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