There was bad news Monday morning for President Donald Trump when the American Research Group revealed the results of a survey on his job performance, and it shows that only 39 percent of Americans approve of the way he is handling the job.
The survey also showed that 57 percent say “they disapprove of the way Trump is handling his job.”
But wait a minute. Rasmussen Reports published its daily presidential tracking poll results, and it showed that 47 percent of “likely U.S. voters” approve of Trump’s job performance and 51 percent disapprove. Last week, Trump’s numbers were up around 50 percent.
The question is not about the math, or about how the pollsters arrived at their numbers. Perhaps the most important question is which numbers the dominant media will report, if at all.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
It may be a good time to mull how the media has, according to Prof. Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law School, earned an “F” grade when it comes to covering the Mueller investigation and allegations of “collusion” with Russia. Dershowitz did an interview with Howard Kurtz, host of Media Buzz on Fox News, revealing a disdain for CNN in particular and the media in general for their handling of the Mueller investigation results.
And a serious question needs raising: Of all the people who simply cannot accept that Donald Trump beat Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2016, are reporters the biggest crybabies?”
While the president has been busy with his Twitter, proclaiming his innocence has been upheld, the talking heads, all the networks with the exception of Fox News appear to be devoted to finding the worst details in the Mueller Report and publicizing them.
Writing at Fox News, Liz Peek, who writes for The Hill and is a former partner at Wertheim & Company on Wall Street, posited that Democrats are laboring to keep the Russia probe alive by demanding an unredacted copy of the Mueller report. Democrats, for whom the “mainstream media” seems to be carrying water, are apparently doing all they can “to keep the public eye off the nation’s economic success under President Trump.”
It’s an interesting observation, and it reinforces what Peek then observed: “Democrats face two problems. First, the country is increasingly crediting President Trump with buoyant job creation, higher productivity and wage gains. Second, their party is cracking apart, suffering a leadership vacuum and a surfeit of dissonant noise-makers hungry for attention. They can’t agree on policy, but they toe the line on combatting Donald Trump.”
There seems to be a growing sentiment that the Mueller investigation and the talk of impeachment since Day One have been designed to keep the Trump administration distracted, so they could not accomplish the things on Trump’s agenda. Likewise, the lawsuits filed by Democrat state attorneys general are reminiscent of a swarm of mosquitoes intent on sucking the life’s blood out of the president and his key people.
So when a survey is released that shows Trump’s approval rating down below 40 percent, that becomes news simply to portray this administration as rather unpopular with a majority of Americans. With 2020 only eight months away, it’s a perception that Trump critics hope will become the reality.
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