
Fundamental Transformation: Biden’s Woke Agenda Hits West Point, Changes Mission Statement

With enlistment in freefall as a hard-left agenda sweeps the armed forces, the Biden agenda is refashioning West Point in its own image.

In light of this, one might almost suspect the mass firings over vaccine noncompliance were really intended as a tool to purge the free thinkers who would not go along with this new agenda.

When we think of institutions and the pride someone might have in them, a big part of that is the culture and tradition of that institution. There’s something special about being one link in a chain spanning decades, lifetimes, centuries, or in the case of some religious traditions, millennia.

If you are careless in how you meddle with that culture, you can cheapen the value of the tradition or even destroy it entirely. We have seen exactly this happen to once-proud groups that have welcomed ‘progressive’ ideology only to be emptied of everything that made them worth belonging to in the first place.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Now, the woke parasite is hitting West Point. Here’s the before and after:

U.S. Military Academy Superintendent Lt. Gen. Steven Gilland announced a major change in West Point’s mission statement Tuesday with the removal of the academy’s motto, “Duty, Honor, Country.”

In a West Point press release, Gilland revealed the academy’s new mission statement is, “To build, educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets to be commissioned leaders of character committed to the Army Values and ready for a lifetime of service to the Army and Nation.”

Prior to the change, the U.S. Military Academy’s mission statement read, “To educate, train and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the nation as an officer in the United States Army.” — AmericanMilitary News

Clearly, there’s no reason we would want our recruits to be influenced by a quote from the likes of MacArthur.

Obviously, we’re far better off having some kind of a bland Dilbert-ese word salad and a generic reference to ‘army values’ — whatever those might be.

Not that this should surprise us. With Milley going on about ‘white rage’, we knew we were seeing a change of direction. And activists are looking for opportunities to take liberties like this one:

The Army removed a slide on systemic racism one of its instructors wedged into official training materials without authorization, a spokesperson confirmed to the Daily Caller News Foundation on Wednesday.

The slide, which said racism is ingrained U.S. institutions including current laws, housing and education, and asserted “whites are responsible for the current racial bias in culture of today and tomorrow,” was first disclosed late Monday by the account Libs of TikTok on the social media platform X. An instructor at the Army’s Command and General Staff College (CGSC) created the slide in 2023 and, once notified, the Army made sure it was removed for failing to meet the service’s education standards, Sarah Hauck, a spokesperson for Army University, told the DCNF.

“A slide currently being circulated on social media is not from approved Army curriculum. It was created by an instructor in 2023 and inserted, without permission, into an official slide deck they modified,” Houck said. — DailyCaller

Speaking of those vaccine mandates, do you suppose there is any connection between that and what’s being described in THIS video?

It’s probably nothing… right?

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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