
Four NE States Band Together to Share Gun Information

Four NE states, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut have joined into a memorandum of understanding with each other to share information on guns used in crimes. The pact is apparently over and above the NCIC database that tracks stolen weapons and other crime-laden issues. They state that the information will be shared over a “secure” transmission method that is only to be used by law enforcement.

Under the agreement, which is set to last five years, the states will transmit all data on guns used in crimes to other states, excepting those designated priority and/or sensitive. The data will be sent via a secure transmission method that was not made public. The parties can only use the data for law enforcement purposes.

The regional effort will help “protect our residents and to end the menace of senseless gun violence in our communities,” Murphy said during a virtual meeting with the other governors. “When we work together as regional partners to enact regional solutions, we’re far better off than if we all go on our own.”

According to the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office, about 85 percent of the guns used in crimes recovered in the state between January and July came from outside the state.

“I believe this is going to give us and our law enforcement entities in each of our states the tools we need to be able to trace guns that are coming from other states,” Hochul said, adding later, “If Congress would simply allow us to share this nationally what a better place we would be, but in the meantime, this is where the states are the incubators.”

The Epoch Times

The Biden administration is all for it. But is it intel or actual probable cause information? The constant mantra of saying the ”epidemic of gun violence” that is a ”public health crisis” in these blue states is concerning.

Gun sales have continued to go through the roof, so far setting the record as the second highest after 2020. Why? Because blue states continue to have an extremely high murder rate, and violent crime is up in major cities. People want to protect themselves. How could this bill affect law abiding gun owners? It depends on whether gun owners trust blue state tactics — all four of these states are notoriously anti-gun.

I have a great deal of concern considering the track record of other states’ way of harassing people they perceive as gun owners and having a gun. They interlink the license plate with the database and the names and people are harassed who are simply exercising their constitutional right.

Kim Stolfer, Pennsylvania state president of Firearms Owners Against Crime to Advance Local Media (Penn Live)

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children

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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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