
FIRED! New York City Official Who Boasted About Sex Parties While He Used COVID To Lock Down City Is Canned (Video)

The “New York City COVID Czar” who was caught on video confessing that he held sex parties at the same time he was locking the city down now has been fired.

A report by talk show host Steven Crowder confirms that “Former NYC COVIFD Czar” Jay Varma, who formerly was a senior adviser for public health to the New York City mayor, was canned by SigaTech.

The corporation’s own announcement said, “On September 23, 2024, the board of directors of SIGA Technologies (NASDAQ: SIGA) terminated Dr. Jay Varma, effective immediately, other than for cause, from his position as executive vice president and chief medical officer of the company. Pursuant to the terms of his employment agreement, Dr. Varma’s service on the company’s board of directors also automatically ended effective immediately.”

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The reasons appeared to be self-evident:

Crowder reported that Varma confirmed “New Yorkers would have been ‘p—–‘ if they found out because he was running entire COVID response for city.”

“I had to be kind of sneaky about it…I was running the entire Covid response for the city…we rented a hotel…we all took like, you know, molly[E*stasy/MDMA] … 8 to 10 of us were in a room…like just being naked with friends…”,” he said on the video.

He claimed the need to “blow off steam every now and then.”

Social media commenters called the action a good first step.

“Anyone who was personally affected by this fraudulent doctor (all of NYC), needs to secure a good lawyer right now,” said another.

At Revolver was the comment: “He was the guy deciding if you could leave your house or not. And now, thanks to a glorious hidden camera confession shared by right-wing influencer Steven Crowder, we now know Dr. Varma was lying to everyone the entire time. While he was telling you to stay home and destroying kids’ lives by keeping them out of school, this sick and twisted ‘doctor’ was partying it up at underground sex clubs, spreading his disgusting DNA everywhere.”

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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