
FEMA: The Mostly-Disaster-No-Relief Agency

Prioritizing bureaucracy over people

Ronald Reagan once said that the nine most terrifying words in the English language were: “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” FEMA is just one of the many agencies that are the embodiment of that statement. In the wake of the devastation from Hurricane Helene, they’re being accused of a plethora of despicable actions.

It became acute under several previous administrations. After hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, FEMA was accused of stealing shipments of everything from desperately needed water to toilet paper. Photos taken during that debacle revealed evidence that was damning.

In keeping with the seeming incompetence, Hurricane Helene reveals FEMA employees who think they are the controllers of all supplies and help. But it has left thousands of people in extreme need. One business owner who gathered donations said this on X:

“Today we convoyed to Pensacola NC. The route had just been partially cleared from the North. We loaded up 10 vics with generators, filters, charcoal, and all the blankets we could fit. Our large convoy took all hour to make the trip over the must treacherous roads I’ve seen yet.

We finally arrived safely at the fire station. We were informed by a female “logistics officer” that they were not accepting any more donations until Monday, and to take our supplies back.

Some locals who were distributing supplies from that fire station told us that FEMA had taken over and was doing an inventory. They also told us that they were only distributing animal feed and hygiene items like toilet paper.

We did our best to distribute our load anyway. We sent ATVs into the hills to knock on doors. I put a cardboard sign on my truck advertising what we had to passers by, and managed to offload some of it. In the end, we were forced to return with 70% of what we came with.

I reported the incident to the church leadership and they were stunned. The pastor’s wife told me that something similar happened today at the Mitchell High School, where American Red Cross workers arrived, kicked out all the volunteers and took the supplies to “inventory” them.

Summary: FEMA and the Red Cross seem to be methodically taking over distribution centers and shutting them down to “inventory” them. They also sent representatives to our distribution point at the church, but left us alone.

Analysis: Prior to this incident, FEMA had only been observed in an administrative role, but the results of that role are now coming into effect. They are attempting to centralize control of supplies and are allowing bureaucratic red tape to interfere with distribution…” Mike VonSteuben (business owner)

Wrong priorities

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When people are facing insurmountable devastation, the last thing they need is an agency blocking aid, or refusing to allow a helicopter to land, or being stopped by a road closed sign.

Is all of this incompetence on purpose? The lack of priorities for Americans is stunning. With DHS Secretary Mayorkas claiming FEMA doesn’t have the money to finish out the hurricane season, and the obvious bureaucratic actions that exacerbate the problems faced by our own people, it seems like a nightmare from which we can’t seem to escape.

Federal Emergency Management Agency – FEMA – needs to be reworked so that instead of “managing” everything, they need to provide actual relief. With a new hurricane (Milton) on the way to Florida, time is short for them to get their act together.



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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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