
FBI Found Buckets of Arms, Legs, Body Parts Sewn Together Like “Frankenstein”

Phoenix, Arizona – A cooler filled with male genitalia, a woman’s head sewed onto a male body and hung up, the FBI found buckets of body parts at an Arizona “Biological Resource” Center. The scene was described as being “like Frankenstein.” Loved ones of the deceased are now suing the center – the lawsuit is what revealed the horrific contents.

FBI found
Screenshot underlying photo via Local CBS 5

The center was raided by the FBI back in 2014 in an investigation for illegal trafficking in human body parts. The center was billed as a donation center for tissue and scientific research. Donors were told that they would use the bodies to obtain sample cells for research…but that’s not what transpired. There were some ghoulish sickos at the center.

The 33 plaintiffs in the case argue that their loved ones bodies were not “treated with respect.” (Understatement). They also stated they were misled by the company into believing their bodies were to be used for “disease research and organ donation.” But the “research” had only to do with obtaining money from selling the parts and doing some truly disgusting things with the leftovers.

The bodies were cut up with chainsaws and bandsaws, leaving pools of blood on the floor of the facility.

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One of the Plaintiffs, Troy Harp, donated his mother and grandmother to the facility to obtain samples of their cells for cancer and leukemia research. Shortly after the raid, his mother’s “ashes” showed up on his doorstep, but he can’t be sure they are her ashes, according to KMOV.

According to the court documents from the raid listed in, this is what the FBI found:

  • A bucket of human heads, arms, and legs.
  • A cooler filled with male genitalia.
  • A little woman’s head sewn onto a more substantial male torso, “like Frankenstein.” The torso was hanging on the wall.
  • “Infected heads.” It can be not fully clear what this suggests.
  • Bodies reduce up with chainsaws and bandsaws.
  • Pools of human blood and other bodily fluids on the freezer floor

The owner was Stephen Gore (appropriate last name). He was “sentenced” for one count of illegal control of an enterprise, and sentenced to one year of deferred jail time and four years probation. Hardly enough for the sick situation that was occurring at his so-called ‘resource center.’ The plaintiffs aren’t happy about his sentence, either. Donating bodies to science should be a safe thing…not something out of a monster movie. The trial on the lawsuit is set for October 21.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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