Evil: BLM Terrorists In Charlotte Chant, ‘F**k Your Jesus’ (Video)

A video posted to YouTube earlier this month shows a number of Black Lives Matter activists marching down the streets of Charlotte, North Carolina, chanting, “f**k your Jesus.”
A post at Now The End Begins explains:
Now the rubber is beginning to meet the road, as the old says goes, and we who are born again Christians are going to get the opportunity put our faith on full display for a lost and dying world to witness. Street preacher Sam Bethea in Charlotte, North Carolina, got a taste of that last night as he opened his mouth to proclaim salvation in Jesus Christ, only to receive the demonic ire of the Black Lives Matter rioters. Side note, street preacher Sam is a black man, just not one of those blacks whose life seems to matter to the BLM terrorists.
Even as the terrorists accosted him, Bethea declared, “Jesus saves! Jesus saves!”
According to the Charlotte Observer:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
The Silly String was pink and green and yellow and it covered Sam Bethea’s ballcap like a tangle of fluorescent spiderwebs, little bits of it cascading down over his face and onto his shoulders, long pieces of it swinging from his elbows and brushing against the asphalt.
Fistfuls of glitter had been thrown at him, too, along with a white powder, probably flour. Plus, he got doused with water, and sports drink, and some type of oil, and … wait, I think that’s urine, he says he thought at one point.
But as it all came down on him a week ago Monday night, the 48-year-old (evangelist? street preacher? human megaphone?) from Charlotte just continued to deliver one of the same messages he’s been delivering constantly and loudly on the streets of uptown for more than five years now: “JESUS LOVES YOU, GUYS!”
Sam “Jesus Saves Man” was sprayed by silly string and had flour dumped on him by protestors. pic.twitter.com/IwmwoZiieW
— Moss Brennan (@mosbren) August 25, 2020
Here’s the video:
This, by the way, is the modern left. Let that sink in.
Exit question: Do the 269 companies that reportedly support BLM endorse this activity?
- The Witchcraft Of BLM Exposed (Video)
- List of 269 Companies Supporting ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter
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- Angry Leftist Mob Targets NY Church, Harasses Worshipers, Shouts ‘Black Lives Matter’ During Sermon (Video)
- Video: Antifa Terrorists Burn Bibles, Flags in Portland, Scream ‘F**k Trump’
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