
Elon Musk Exposes Dems’ Agenda For Violence Against President Trump (Video)

Just as it has been confirmed yet another man is charged with threatening the life of President Donald Trump, tech billionaire Elon Musk has posted on his X.com social media site a series of video statements from Democrats demanding exactly that.

“It serves as a terrifying reminder that Democrats don’t just want to beat Trump, they want him gone … by any means necessary. Hey, we’re not the ones saying it, THEY are. We can hear it directly from them,” explained a commentary at Twitchy.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

The video includes wild claims by Joe Biden about Trump being a threat to democracy.

And Nancy Pelosi wondering why “there aren’t uprisings.”

And the threat, “They’re still going to have to go and put a bullet in Donald Trump.”

And twice-failed Democratic White House hopeful Hillary Clinton complaining how “dangerous” Trump is.

And an official White House statement about the “threat” Trump is.

“What’s REALLY disturbing is how much of this was taken from people like Hillary Clinton even after the first or SECOND attempt on Trump’s life proving they have no intention of taking the rhetoric down. Again, proving they’ll do anything to anyone to stay in power,” the commentary explained.

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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