
Election Eve: Majority fears post-election violence

civil war
A Yahoo News survey finds 77 percent of respondents fearful of post-election violence.

A new report at Yahoo News says a survey shows 77 percent of American voters “worry that violence will break out in the coming days” in the aftermath of the most hotly-contested presidential election in memory.

Just over half of the voters expect President Donald Trump to refuse to concede, according to the Yahoo report, based on a survey of registered 1,501 registered voters over the weekend by Yahoo News and YouGov.

The survey also found “53 percent of likely voters have either already voted for Biden or plan to vote for him by Nov. 3. Just 43 percent of likely voters say they are casting their ballots for Trump.”

Pollster Scott Rasmussen is out with a report Monday saying Joe Biden is ahead of the president by 7 percentage points.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

“My polling for JustTheNews.com over the past month,” Rasmussen wrote, “has also consistently shown the former Vice President with a 7 or 8 point advantage. The strength of Biden’s position is also evident in my Battleground State polling here at PoliticalIQ. In the three Midwestern states that shocked the world and put the president over the top in 2016, my final polls show Biden leading by seven in Michigan, six in Wisconsin, and six in Pennsylvania. Four years ago, the polls showed much closer races in Michigan and Pennsylvania.”

Gun sales have been soaring over the past seven-plus months, since the coronavirus pandemic panic first hit in mid-March. According to the latest FBI National Instant Check System (NICS) figures, October saw 3,305,465 background checks initiated.

But according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the firearms industry umbrella organization, October’s figures linked to actual gun sales was 1,769,553, up 60.1 percent over the October 2019 NSSF-adjusted figure of 1,105,335.

Rasmussen Reports on Monday showed Trump behind Biden in the key battleground state of Pennsylvania 49-45 percent.

Yet, Rasmussen’s daily presidential tracking poll shows Trump getting a 52 percent job approval rating while 48 percent disapprove.

If Trump loses re-election, what or who will get the blame? Will it be the president, for his tweets and for his acidic remarks about his critics, often giving them unflattering nicknames. Will it be apathetic voters, who spend their time ranting on social media and no time at all going to vote or filling out a ballot?

Will there be voter fraud? Will the non-stop hounding of the president by the establishment media get some of the blame—or credit, as it were—for focusing on Trump’s perceived problems rather than his successes, such as lowering unemployment, bringing back jobs from overseas, championing lower taxes, brokering peace accords in the Middle East and bringing balance back to the federal court system?

Activists on both sides of the political spectrum are urging voters to get their ballots in. Tuesday is Election Day, but it may take a while for all the ballots to be counted and for results to actually appear.


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