
Dems Release Former President’s Personal Finances in Unprecedented Political Attack

The things that Donald Trump has endured during his political career are unprecedented.

He has been one of the most most beloved and despised Presidents in history, with perhaps only Lincoln able to hold a candle to him in that regard.  His political enemies have no shame, and even less class, and have no taken to releasing his personal financial information to world in what can only be described as a petty act of revenge…or an attempt to unduly influence the 2024 election.

The House Ways and Means Committee on Friday released a partially redacted version of former President Donald Trump’s tax returns, completing a longtime objective of Democrats to make Trump’s finances public after the former president unsuccessfully tried to stop them in court.

The files were enormous.

The financial documents cover six years of Trump’s individual returns filed jointly with his wife, Melania, including his time in the White House. The document dump also includes tax forms for several of Trump’s business entities that were investigated by Ways and Means Democrats, a report from the Democratic majority, and a response by Republicans on the committee. There are nearly 6,000 pages of material, including 2,700 pages of individual returns and more than 3,000 pages from Trump’s businesses.

The tax forms provide insights into the state of Trump’s finances from 2015 to 2020 as he mounts a third bid for president in 2024. The redactions hide personal sensitive information such as Social Security and bank account numbers.

In corroboration with the theory that this was all just a political hit job, the committee voted to publicly release the files in a vote that was split directly down partisan lines.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Cross-posted with Flag and Cross


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