
‘Dems’ Hate Trump so much, they’re not rational’—Sen. Rick Scott

Congressional Democrats hate President Donald Trump so much, “they cannot behave in a rational manner.”

So wrote Sen. Rick Scott in a Washington Post Op-Ed that had, by Monday morning, garnered more than 6,700 reader comments, some of them rather unflattering to the freshman senator from Florida.


Freshman Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday (Screen snip, YouTube, NBC)

Some Washington Post readers have used such terms as “goon,” “toady,” “goofy” and “fool” to describe the former Florida governor, who helped expand GOP control of the Senate, where Trump’s judicial nominations are confirmed, and where – according to Second Amendment advocates – the extremist gun control agenda of House Democrats will likely collide with a wall similar to that which Trump envisions for the southern border.

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And it is about that wall that Scott authored the piece, headlined “I’ve been a senator for three weeks. Washington is worse than you’ve heard.”

If one peruses the comments about Scott, there are two conclusions possible: the irrational hate extends far beyond Trump to any Republican, or Scott really is a “dangerous demagogue” as described in one reader comment, who possesses a “plutocratic mindset” as alleged by another.

Scott evidently is not well-liked by Washington Post readers.

But Scott may have an ally, of sorts, or at least someone whose own opinion is not that far away. Writing at, former Education Secretary Bill Bennett noted that, “Trump pushed hard, and the liberals have become the left, pushing back even harder.”

In his Monday essay, Bennett had this observation: “The problem (on the Left) is that their blind indignation for President Trump is clouding their judgment and pushing them to the brink. They’re punching back at their magnified perception of Trump, not his actual policies.”

And where the Wall comes in, Bennett did something Scott didn’t. Bennett recalled some inconvenient history.

“Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., was on record as supporting border and immigration control, including walls and barriers in 2009,” Bennett noted. “Now its chief opponent, he recently tweeted, ‘The shutdown cost the U.S. economy $11 billion…what a devastating & pointless exercise this has been.’ With an estimated cost of $5 billion dollars, Schumer could have approved the wall, saved $6 billion dollars, avoided a shutdown, and been in line with his party’s stance on immigration reform during the Obama administration.

“So why now the vehement contention,” Bennett asks, and then answers, “The Democrats care more about sticking it to Trump than common sense.”

Scott may be new to Washington, D.C. but Bennett knows the landscape (both physical and political) inside the Beltway well enough to find Capitol Hill in his sleep.

Bennett served in the Reagan and Bush 41 administrations. He’s been around long enough to know the difference between something fragrant, and something rotten.

After suggesting that Democrats should listen to people such as Howard Schultz and Michael Bloomberg, both of whom may run independent presidential campaigns, and whom Bennett describes as “too moderate” for the current crop of extremist Democrats, the political veteran says this:

“If Democrats want a chance at winning the presidency, they should listen to Schultz and Bloomberg and step back from the cliff…That President Trump has pushed them is indeed true, but they are pushing back much harder and recklessly so. He has made them so crazy with anger that their fury and policies know no bounds. But in the end, they will hit a wall, maybe not at the border, but of their own making.”


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