
Democrat Governor Beshear Turns On The Hate, Doubles Down On Wishing Rape On Member Of JD Vance’s Family (Video)

Politicians often get caught out when they make statements about issues that already are loaded with extremism, such as abortion.

And now one of the Democrats speaking at the party’s convention this week, Gov. Andy Beshear of Kentucky, is trying to wordsmith his way out of a corner he voluntarily jumped into.

His comment was criticism aimed at GOP vice presidential nominee JD Vance, and Beshear, talking about the reasons that pro-abortion activists say support at-will abortion, said, “Make him go through this.”

Vance responded, “What the hell is this? Why is @AndyBershearKY wishing that a member of my family would get raped?!? What a disgusting person.”

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Beshear’s response to that wasn’t to back down on his abortion promotion, but just to claim, “I’d never wish harm on anyone,” and blame Vance for “trying to make himself the victim.”

Beshear’s double down:

Beshear had lashed out at Vance for allegedly calling pregnancy resulting from rape “inconvenient.”

“Inconvenience is traffic,” Beshear claimed. “It is, uh, make him go through this.”

Twitchy’s commentary said, ““Twitchy readers know, Democrat Andy Beshear wished rape on JD Vance’s wife because Vance dares to be pro-life. Oh, it wasn’t just the rape, but he wanted the rapist to impregnant his wife and he said this in front of however many people actually watch Mika Brzezkinski.”

It continued, “Who, by the way did nothing to call Beshear out or correct what he was saying. We know, we keep saying it but it just works. When someone shows you who they really are, believe them. And we believe Beshear is exactly the sort of man he just told us he is.”

JD Vance (Video screenshot)
JD Vance

report at Revolver said, “What were the good people of Kentucky thinking when they elected Democrat Andy Beshear as their governor? After his recent comments about JD Vance’s family, they’ll hopefully be asking themselves that very question and reconsider electing progressive creeps like him into office.

“In a recent interview from the DNC Convention floor, Governor Beshear stooped to the lowest point of his career—maybe even his entire life—when he wished that JD Vance’s wife and/or daughter would get raped and end up pregnant,” it said. “Yes, you heard that right. As if this disgusting comment wasn’t horrific enough on its own, the thought becomes even more repulsive when you consider that JD’s little girl, Mirabel, is only a toddler. JD’s wife is 39-year-old Usha Chilukuri Vance, a devoted mother of three beautiful children.”

The article continued, “Yet, even so, Governor Andy Beshear is hoping little Mirabel and her mother get raped and end up pregnant, just so JD Vance will learn a lesson and be forced to ‘go through it.’ It’s almost unimaginable that a man in such a position of power would say something so utterly twisted and demented, yet here we are.”

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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