
Crooked Hillary Clinton Wants Democrats To Control The Press (Video)

Hillary Clinton, who twice tried to be elected to the White House and twice failed, was, in fact, the impetus behind the false claims during the 2016 presidential race, won by President Donald Trump, that his campaign was colluding with Russia.

Her campaign paid the lawyers who hired underlings to assemble wild and false claims about Trump, including made-up events and more.

The media amplified her messaging by many times by carrying her claims even though evidence was absent.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Now, however, with her own political career in the dustbin, and Trump again leading in many polls for this year’s vote, she is demanding that media outlets, reporters and the like, carry only her messaging, again.

In an interview with Margaret Hoover of Firing Line Show, she outlined her requirements for the media and reporters. She was asked what should voters expect between now and election day.

“Well I do think that, uhm, the, the press needs a consistent narr … I mean the, the press is not supporting Trump, blatantly, very persistently. The press is trying to be the press, be objective, reporting the facts… uhm. The press needs a consistent narrative about the danger that Trump poses, because you know people may still look at the dangers and say ‘I don’t care, doesn’t you know doesn’t affect me I’m going to vote for him, for X Y or Z’ but ok … But at least people need to be woken up and given the facts about what he has done, is saying and would do,” she claimed.

“And I anticipate something will happen in October. It always does, uhm, the Russians, as I said earlier are very active in this election, uhm, we know the Iranians are active.”

She explained how TikTok was used “against Biden.”

“So you look at where people get their information, and they get their information largely from social media, and so the campaign is going to do the best job it can to combat that, combat both domestic and foreign false disinformation. … I anticipate there will be a full-court press in October. The digital airwaves will be filled, and why does that matter, because the press that is pro-Trump, oftentime stories are put on digitally and then are picked up, let’s say by a Fox and others. And then those stories, are stories so the mainstream press reports on them. And so that story then takes on a life of its own.”

She predicted, “There will be concerted efforts to distort and pervert Kamala Harris, who she is, what she stands for, what she’s done.”

“This is dangerous stuff! It starts online often on the dark web. It migrates. It’s picked up by the pro-Trump media. It’s then reported on by everybody which makes sure it has about 100% coverage and people believe it! So I don’t know what it’s going to be but it will be something and we will have to work very hard to make sure that it is exposed as the lie that it is.”

Of course, what Clinton and other leftists repeatedly have claimed is misinformation, disinformation and malinformation – with their demands that it be suppressed, is nothing more than a political opinion that contradicts her own political opinion.

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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