Conservatives call for resistance, regulation of tech giants over censorship — Breitbart

On Thursday,’s Allum Bokhari said that conservatives engaged in online media have called for resistance and regulation of Silicon Valley tech giants due to their censorship of non-politically correct points of view.
According to Bokhari, “representatives from multiple major conservative media operations issued strong condemnations of Silicon Valley’s masters of the universe, along with their recommendations for reining in their unchecked power.”
Here’s just a few of the comments provided to Breitbart:
Dan Gainor
Vice President of Business and Culture, Media Research Center“The Media Research Center has been covering this problem with increasing concern. Online censorship is the latest battleground of media bias. Conservatives have always run into problems with media monopolies, but these tech and social media companies are more powerful than their old counterparts ever were. They have the ability to completely silence anyone they disagree with and the right can’t afford to let that happen.”
Scott Greer
Deputy Editor, The Daily Caller“Big Tech has shown time and time again that it prefers progressive viewpoints and will silence conservative opinions. We now depend on the services provided by these companies more than ever — from news consumption to business transactions. This great power gives them the ability to stamp out right-wing speech from the public square, and conservatives fear they will be squeezed out of these platforms solely based on their politics. Conservatives should continue to call these acts into question and demand lawmakers keep an eye on Big Tech’s power.”
Paul Joseph Watson
Editor-at-Large, InfoWars“Facebook, Twitter and Google have established a virtual monopoly on social media. In terms of online expression, these outlets are the de facto Internet. Restricting people’s access to these platforms based on their political beliefs is a human rights issue. Just as the phone company should not be able to disconnect you because of the content of your conversations, people should not be banned for their ideology, except in extreme circumstances when laws are being broken.
We need to rally lawmakers to make holding big tech accountable one of their top priorities. We need to demand Google, Facebook and Twitter adhere to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which dictates they remain non-partisan, or face losing their legal immunity for user content. We need transparency, we need an amnesty on all those who have been unfairly banned by big tech. This is one of the defining issues of our generation and we cannot afford to lose this battle.”
Bokhari has more, here.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
It’s good to see that conservatives are finally waking up to the problems we have covered extensively here at the Conservative Firing Line for years.
Facebook censorship and bias was the motivation behind “Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad,” a book published in 2016 by yours truly and American-Israeli Adina Kutnicki after a seven-month stint in what can only be described as Facebook Hell.
In that book, we presented possible solutions and warned what could happen if nothing gets done. Now, it seems our worse fears are being realized as Silicon Valley tech companies appear to be in a full-on jihad against conservative speech.
As we noted here, Republicans in Congress had better act fast to deal with the problem, because it’s only going to get worse.
- Facebook accused of smearing Breitbart with misleading Wikipedia entry
- Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in Meltdown Mode Over $70 BILLION in Lost Market Share
- Facebook In Congress’s Cross-Hairs, While Zuckerberg Plays Hide & Seek – A Knock-On Effect: Propping Up “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Jihad!”
- Open letter to Mark Zuckerberg from a frustrated, fed-up conservative
- Analysis: Facebook’s algorithm changes help CNN, liberal sites, hurts conservative sites
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