New polling results published by CNN show former Vice President Joe Biden widening his lead over President Donald Trump as the Nov. 3 election looms just over the political horizon.
According to CNN, a new nationwide poll conducted on its behalf by SSRS shows “Among likely voters, 57% say they back Biden and 41% Trump in the poll that was conducted entirely after the first debate and mostly after the President’s coronavirus infection was made public.”
The Washington Examiner is reporting that the president did not report any lingering COVID-19 symptoms overnight. He spent the weekend at Walter Reed hospital, where he received several treatments for the virus.
But it is the health of his campaign that has conservatives concerns. With less than a month before the election, the president is also falling behind in the daily Rasmussen presidential tracking poll. Tuesday, Rasmussen reported 45 percent of likely voters approve of the president’s job performance while 54 percent disapprove.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Still, Trump pulls in big crowds when he attends rallies on the campaign trail, and with the coronavirus scare beginning to subside, he will likely be back on the campaign trail again soon.
The CNN report noted, “Likely voters broadly prefer Biden over Trump on a number of issues that voters consider critically important in the race, including the coronavirus outbreak (59% prefer Biden, 38% Trump), health care (59% to 39%), racial inequality in America (62% to 36%), nominations to the Supreme Court (57% to 41%) and crime and safety (55% to 43%). The two are about even over who would better handle the economy (50% say Biden, 48% Trump), similar to where they have been among registered voters in recent polling.”
But this does beg the question: Have you ever been contacted to participate in such a survey? That’s been a long-running complaint among conservatives, and especially gun owners when gun control issues are in the spotlight. Pollsters apparently don’t know how to contact them.
Is it because gun owners and conservatives aren’t reliable “likely voters?”
CNN added, “Biden’s favorability ratings have also improved, with 52% of Americans now saying they have a positive impression of the former vice president, compared with 39% who have a positive view of Trump.”
The report ended with this revelation: “The CNN Poll was conducted by SSRS October 1 through 4 among a random national sample of 1,205 adults reached on landlines or cellphones by a live interviewer, including 1,001 likely voters. Results for the full sample have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.3 percentage points, it is plus or minus 3.6 points for results among likely voters.”
In 2016, it also appeared Trump was a sure loser, only to pull off one of the biggest political upsets in recent memory. Can he do it again?
- The economy is beginning to rebound.
- He’s received three nominations for the Novel Peace Prize for brokering peace accords in the Middle East.
- He has kept his campaign pledge to bring balance to the federal courts.
- Until the COVID-19 crisis hit, employment was up and unemployment was down even among minority workers.
And now Biden is taking heat for another apparent gaffe, this time during remarks that were made last month at a Democrat event in Tampa, but not reported until Sept. 29. Here, according to Fox News, is the complete quote, in reaction to his optimism about dealing the nation’s problems:
“And they say, ‘Well, why in the hell would you say that Biden? You just talked about all these difficulties.’ Well, I’ll tell you why. Because the American public, the blinders have been taken off. They’ve all of a sudden seen a hell of a lot clearer. They’re saying, ‘Jeeze, the reason I was able to stay sequestered in my home is because some Black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf. Or a young Hispanic is out there, these dreamers are out there, 60,000 of them acting as first responders and nurses and docs.’ Or all of a sudden people are realizing, ‘My Lord, these people have done so much. Not just Black, White, across the board, have done so much for me. We can do this. We can get things done.’ And I think they’re ready.”
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