
Cartoon of the Day: Broken Wide Open

broken wide open
Cartoon of the Day: Broken Wide Open.

Cartoon of the Day: Broken Wide Open.

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Trump had illegal immigration down to a trickle compared to Biden blowing up the dam and allowing over 10 million Illegals along with unknown gotaways and terrorists.

Biden’s Broken Border Allowed 400 Illegals Tied to ISIS-Affiliated Human Smuggling Network into US, The Whereabouts of Over 50 Remain Unknown

By Margaret Flavin – June 26, 2024

Two Venezuelan illegal immigrants were arrested for 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray’s murder in Houston, Texas, after reportedly abducting her, strangling her, and dumping her body in a bayou.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

An illegal from Ecuador wielding a “machete-style” knife kidnapped two school children from a New York park in broad daylight, tied them up, and then sexually assaulted the young girl.

The Gateway Pundit also reported that an illegal alien from El Salvador was charged with brutally raping and murdering Rachel Morin, a mother-of-five, on a Maryland hiking trail last year.

Now, disturbing news from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reveals that they have identified over 400 illegals who have entered the U.S. from Central Asia and elsewhere by an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network and are considered “subjects of concern.” READ MORE…


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