Cartoon of the Day: Black Kid’s Lives Matter?
Cartoon of the Day: Black Kid’s Lives Matter? Democrat mayors and politicians across the country are calling to defund police while children are being killed in our city’s streets. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020. Used with permission.
Reminder: If you haven’t done so yet, please go HERE and cast your vote for the Liberal Media Propagandist Of The Year for 2020.
- Video: Joe Biden Says Police Have ‘Become the Enemy’; Advocates Cutting Funds
- The Breathe Act — Defunding Police, Dumping ICE, DEA; Ban Ankle Monitors, Etc.
- Analysis: Defund Police, Police Abolition Attempts to Overthrow the Government, Instill New Totalitarian Order
- Video: Armed Blacks Harass White Civilians At Stone Mountain
- List of 269 Companies Supporting ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter
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