BROTHERHOOD’s DNC Boost: Rep. Ellison, A Brotherhood Supporter, Front-Runner As Chair! What’s Going On?
Author: Adina Kutnicki
AS is often referred to at these pages (and discussed within this author’s book, as well as at numerous interviews), political knock-on effects are where it’s at. In other words, regardless of anything else – whether it applies to domestic or foreign issues – blowback is hardly off the table. Not at all.
IN this regard, when it comes to high-stakes players, they almost always achieve their goals. But that doesn’t mean that unintended consequences are far-fetched. In fact, oftentimes, the aforementioned end up being bitten in the ass. And if anything is emblematic of said truth, just view how HUSSEIN’s wildfires in the Mid East played out, in so far that major skeletons ended up in the public domain – and that’s a blessing.
MORE specifically, the upending of Libya was meant to (secretly) destabilize the Mid East – which it did, on steroids – F/B/O the Brotherhood Mafia. The brass ring was Syria’s implosion.
AS this site reported in Aug. 2014, the following excerpt is germane:
LEST there be any misunderstandings, if not for the knock-on effects of Benghazigate, Sunni Brotherhood jihadists – of which ISIS are part and parcel of, on whose behalf Barack HUSSEIN Obama ordered the largest weapons-running operation in Mid East history – would not be knocking on America’s door, nor Israel’s. Others as well. Nevertheless, as an American-Israeli, both nations are top priorities. Hands down.
OMINOUSLY, a major outgrowth to Obama’s illegal war in Libya (the main goal of the weapons-running was to destabilize Syria for the benefit of Syria’s Brotherhood Mafia) allowed countless man-pads to awash Syria and beyond. In this regard, isn’t it likely that this is how ISIS got their hands on said weapons and then some?….continue reading…
INHERENTLY, via the contrived and concocted template of “R2P” – under the guise of humanitarian ethos – Benghazigate erupted, the brainchild of radical leftist Samantha Power. Its monstrous results played out in plain view, thus, it became a huge albatross around HUSSEIN and Hill’s necks. In essence, it is an exemplar of one of the oft-mentioned knock-on effects. Blowback. But make no mistake, HUSSEIN’s surrogates were all on board. In reality, they used “R2P” as a mechanism to provide international “legal” cover in order to implode Libya. Mind you, this is the case, regardless of anyone who attempts to distance the duo from any “unintended” consequences.
She (Samantha Power) is considered to have been a key figure in the Obama administration in persuading the president to intervene militarily in Libya.[4] In 2016, she was listed as the 41st most powerful woman in the world by Forbes.[5]
NOW that that is settled, fast forward to the latest blow back, the DNC’s “trial balloon”, a direct knock-on to the left’s full-blown meltdown over losing the election!
EFFECTIVELY, had Hill won the election, the DNC would have gone on as usual, a cross between pay-for-play corporate fed interests, coupled with throwing as many bones required to satiate their hard-left and revolutionary base. A win-win.
BUT that was then, this is now.
RESULTANT, officialdom’s revolutionary base is on war-footing. Not only in opposition to millions of “deplorables” – as Soros’s (mostly paid) foot soldiersrampage and execute beat-downs throughout the nation – but vis-à-vis “staid”, bought and paid for, Demster counterparts.
ENTER, Rep. Ellison, AKA Keithy-boy, a more than jacked-up supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia. Yes, you read that right. Know that this investigative journalist was onto him from the onset of this site – 3 weeks out of the gate, July 16, 2012!
(As to ICNA: ICNA has established a reputation for bringing anti-American radicals to speak at its annual conferences. Moreover, experts have long documented the organization’s ties to Islamic terrorist groups…. ICNA “is composed of members of Jamaat e-Islami, a Pakistani Islamic radical organization similar to the Muslim Brotherhood that helped to establish the Taliban.” (Pakistani newspapers have reported that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, a leading architect of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, was offered refuge in the home of Jamaat e-Islami’s leader, Ahmed Quddoos.)
YOU get the picture(s).
MOVING right along to March 2015….guess who, once again, rated a starring role at these pages? Yup, it was through “ISIS & Minnesota: Rep. Ellison & Somali Threat Level, The Nexus” that the stakes became upped.
LO and behold, so-called “moderate” Demsters are truly running scared, understanding full well that they will be toppled, if they do not veer to the radical left flank. As such, they have endorsed an absolute Islamist plant to become Chair of the DNC!
As reported, the first fight over the party’s future will play out in the race for DNC chairman.
Sanders has endorsed Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) – a Muslim and a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus – to be the new DNC chief.
IN tandem, the likes of socialist/Marxist/communist bent Sanders, not only join hands with “mainstream” Capitol Hill players – as they jump on board to topple the underpinnings of America’s founding – they are completely in bed, out in the open, with Islamist counterparts. Clear as a bell.
PATRIOTS, know this: as awesome as Trump’s triumph is, don’t dare take your eyes off of the plots afoot within the DNC, even though Repubs control Congress. Complacent.
FOR once Demsters, publicly and fully, embrace the likes of Ellison (trust, he is a “made man” within the Brotherhood’s apparatus, domestic and global), there is absolutely nothing they won’t do to FINALLY bring America to her knees. Of course, greedy and power-hungry blowhards – akin to Schumer and gang – will protest they are protecting the Republic, but we know where their self-interests lie.
CONCLUSIVELY, even if the Brotherhood implant is passed over for another within the Demster’s left-ward flank, no matter. The anti-America die has been cast. Set in stone.