
BOMBSHELL: Undercover Investigation – Minneapolis Riot Was PRE-PLANNED Via RADICAL “Climate Change” Movements (VIDEOS) – Piggyback To: NYPD TERROR CHIEF: Nationwide Violence Was Planned


Anyone who understands the grave threat posed by communist front groups within America to its underpinnings (with ANTIFA and BLM most visible and in the forefront) via decades-long infiltration and penetration into every sphere, also realizes that the so-called “spontaneous” anarchy across the nation did not erupt due to the death of Floyd. Nonsense. Yes, while some protesters — the peaceful contingent — are exercising their constitutional right to demonstrate peaceably, they are in the minority of minorities. This is a fact.

So, in the same manner in which the below recent analysis

NYPD TERROR CHIEF: Nationwide Violence Was Planned

evidenced that the domestic terror enveloping the nation was pre-planned, so too the following will blow the lid off of the so-called “spontaneous” uprising! Mind you, the myriad of anarchist groups are neither here nor there. Know this: In one way or another, they are all inter-related through this and that “cut-out” front groups.

A side-note: Guys, don’t be distracted by “Millennial Millie”, the foxy narrator. She knows her stuff and she is (deadly) on point – and that’s where it’s at. Agreed?


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