
Biden Often Has Expression Of “Blank-Stared Confusion,” Reveal Advisers About Faux President’s Serious Mental Decline

(Natural News) Sources within Joe Biden’s regime claim that the 81-year-old “president” routinely suffers mental lapses that are getting worse all the time.

In grooming him for the recent debate, Biden’s advisers reportedly told the New York Times that they forgot to factor in his nap time, which is why he was struggling just to function.

Insiders told the Times that Biden often appears “confused or listless” and has trouble keeping up with “the thread of conversations,” especially over the past several months. Biden also regularly has an expression on his face of “blank-stared confusion,” they confirmed.

“In interviews, people in the room with him more recently said that the lapses seemed to be growing more frequent, more pronounced and more worrisome,” the Times further reported.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

“The uncomfortable occurrences were not predictable, but seemed more likely when he was in a large crowd or tired after a particularly bruising schedule.”

(Related: According to the White House, Biden is in tip-top shape – and if you think you’ve seen a video of him acting clueless, then you’ve fallen for a “deep fake.”)

Biden “dazed and confused” at recent Juneteenth event

During a recent Juneteenth event, Biden appeared especially “out of it,” according to the insiders.

“One person who sat close to the president said that he had a ‘dazed and confused’ expression during much of the event,” the article continues. “This person said Mr. Biden had shown a ‘sharp decline’ since a meeting only weeks earlier.

In the week he spent at Camp David “cramming” for the debate, Biden reportedly had to take afternoon naps every single day.

“The preparations, which took place over six days, never started before 11am and Mr. Biden was given time for an afternoon nap each day,” the report states, citing “a person familiar with the process.”

It is widely believed that these leaks about Biden came in response to claims by the Biden Crime Family that his poor debate performance is because of his advisers and staff and not his poor health and apparent dementia.

“Joe, Jill and Hunter tried to blame the debate catastrophe on staff / advisors and now they are slamming back with leaks containing damning details,” tweeted Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich).

Biden personally blamed his embarrassing debate performance on international travel and jet lag, which makes no sense since the senior had been in the United States for nearly two weeks before the debate occurred.

After failing to listen to the advice of aides who told him he needed more rest, Biden “nearly fell asleep on stage” during the debate. Clearly the guy is unable to handle the rigors of campaigning, not to mention his dismal performance as president.

“Now the leaks start and will continue to get worse and worse until he steps down,” one commenter wrote about what probably comes next. “Enjoy the greasy side of the bus, Joe. No person deserves it more, except maybe your drug addled offspring.”

On X, someone joked about the hilariously false claim that Biden is “as sharp as a tack dynamo behind closed door,” which has now been debunked.

“He had nine days to prepare,” this person added about Biden and his debate preparation. “A faux movie studio. Practice standing for 90 minutes. 16 advisors. Plenty of rest. Way more than we thought. The best food. State of the art energy and attention drugs. He was the best version of Biden. Sad. The media has been complicit the whole time.”

Another wrote that Biden is:

A pathological liar

A plagiarist

A pedophile

A mean old man with a nasty temper

A denier of his own grandchild

A con artist

A wannabe dictator

A pathetic excuse for a human being

A worthless person who’s lived off the government while senile

The latest news about the 2024 election can be found at Rigged.news.

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