
Beto’s bold threat grabs media spotlight, and should be warning sign

Forget about who is the presumed “front runner” in the Democrat race for the party nomination, former Congressman Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke has officially grabbed the spotlight with an alarming threat to confiscate the firearms of law-abiding citizens and everywhere you turn, the media is talking about it.

Beto O'Rourke
“Beto” O’Rourke is planning to confiscate guns, and he’s not shy about admitting it. He’s also getting huge media attention.

Perhaps the most alarming thing about this is the crowd reaction after O’Rourke declared, “Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47!” Within hours, T-shirts were on sale online with O’Rourke’s message silk screened in letters big enough to see from a block away.

In a sharply-worded reaction to O’Rourke’s comment, Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, had this to say:

“O’Rourke’s comment was brutally revealing and so was the reaction from the audience. His intent to confiscate privately-owned firearms got the biggest cheer of the evening. Even more alarming was the fact that not one of his colleagues on stage made an effort to disagree. That should concern every gun owner in the country.

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“Thanks to O’Rourke,” he added, “Democrats have just graduated from being the ‘party of gun control’ to officially being the ‘party of gun confiscation,’ and nobody in the firearms community is going to forget that.”

Writing at the Washington Times, Cheryl Crumley noted, “And with that, all the Democrats who’ve tried for years to deny the gun confiscation motives behind their gun control pushes went — nooooooo. It doesn’t get any clearer than that, does it? ‘Hell yes,’ we’re going to take your guns.”

It was one of those “watershed moments” in politics because the crowd roaring its approval, and the silence from the other Democrats on stage was a warning flare. They agree with O’Rourke.

The former Texas congressman’s remarks are getting headlines at CNN.

They’re talking about it on NBC.

There’re a story about it at Mediaite.com, which reports on the media.

They were discussing O’Rourke’s remarks on Fox News Friday morning.

A politician conducting a lagging race loves the kind of attention O’Rourke is getting because of his candid outburst. He was playing to his base on the far left, and his profile has risen. How long it will stay in the spotlight is a matter of speculation, but O’Rourke has, at least temporarily, hit the Mother Lode and he knows it.

Perhaps equally concerning to many in the firearms community is the fact that his “Hell yes” comment is getting all the media attention. That suggests to many gun owners that the press thinks it is such a hot idea they want to focus on it.

One Texas state representative is also getting some media attention. State Rep. Briscoe Cain tweeted, “My AR is ready for you Robert Francis.” O’Rourke quickly capitalized on the comment as a threat. Twitter took down the tweet, according to The Guardian.

For some time, polls have been showing strong support for more gun restrictions. From all indications, a majority of poll respondents are not people who actually own the guns that would be restricted or confiscated. Since it will be those gun owners whose oxen will be figuratively gored, maybe they’re the ones who ought to be surveyed. After Thursday evening, probably none of them will be voting for O’Rourke.


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