Report by Project Baltimore showed that not one student in 23 Baltimore schools could pass a math proficiency test. Another report showed that 77% of students in Baltimore high schools were reading at elementary school or kindergarten levels. You know, the ‘see spot run’ kind of reading. And people wonder why. Let’s be blunt: the Marxist bent, and Covid lockdowns (thank Teacher’s unions for that too) in most US schools has created students who are not equipped either for careers or higher learning.
Through an analysis of 150 Baltimore City Schools, 23 of them, including 10 high schools, eight elementary schools, three high schools and two middle schools, no students met math grade-level expectations, according to a report by Project Baltimore. Approximately 2,000 students took the state administered math exams that tested proficiency levels.
“It just sounds like these schools, now, have turned into essentially babysitters with no accountability,” Jovani Patterson, a Baltimore resident who sued the district for not properly educating its students, told Fox 45 News. “This is the future of our city. We’ve got to change this.”
An additional 20 schools in the district had no more than two students proficient in math, Project Baltimore reported. Another three schools in the district, which are for incarcerated students and students with disabilities, had no students that met grade-level expectations. Daily Caller
Baltimore schools claim that the problem is a result of ‘minimal funding.’ But the Democrat method of throwing money at a problem is not the main cause. What is being taught and by whom are serious issues all wrapped in accountability.
Jason Rodriguez, deputy director of the Baltimore-based non-profit People Empowered by the Struggle, classified this issue as “educational homicide,” saying there are “no excuses” for these results. “We’re still dealing with these same issues year after year,” he said, in light of a similar report conducted in 2017 which had some of the same schools on it. “[I]t’s just opening up the floodgates to the school-to-prison pipeline.”…
Baltimore City Schools asserted the results can be explained by COVID and “minimal funding.” They sent a statement to Project Baltimore claiming that, despite recent financial “increases,” there are still “years of chronic underfunding that has directly contributed to [the] current incomes.” The statement continued, “That recovery takes an equal or more significant amount of time to remediate.”
Despite their statement, Rodriguez quickly shot down their reasoning. “[I]t’s not a funding issue,” he said. Last school year, Baltimore City Schools received $1.6 billion from taxpayers, with the district receiving an additional $799 million in COVID relief funding. Rodriguez continued, “I think accountability is the issue.” The Washington Stand
Students who can’t add 2+2, or can’t read, are destined for failure. There are school districts in other parts of the country that are focusing on STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math -which should bring the learning levels up in those districts. Baltimore and other inner-city schools, on the other hand, have fallen desperately far behind, largely because the Covid lockdowns and what is being taught…or lack thereof. The Marxist teachers’ unions are also to blame, as they pushed for lockdowns rather than allowing students to be in school. But the free-fall of learning has been going on since the institution of Common Core during the Bush Administration.
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None of that accounts for the view (agenda) of teachers’ unions that parents don’t know what’s best for their own children, or that the school districts want money to keep flowing to their failed schools. The problem exists in school districts across the country – most in inner city schools from California to Illinois and Baltimore.
Industries need skilled workers. Businesses need workers who can do basics like reading and math (it would help greatly if they could write as well). Students who can’t make the grade academically can’t get hired. Parents need to hold the school districts accountable and fight back. Homeschooling is a viable option, although the government hates homeschool parents and smart kids, so trouble could be on the horizon.
From Common Core to Covid lockdowns, the schools in America have fallen captive to a Communist wave specifically designed to make sure children are not able to do basics and parents are marginalized. Help them fight back!
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