Australia Formally Submits To Islam: Blasphemy Laws In Place! The Knock-On Effects To The West.
WITHIN Australia, a western catastrophe has quietly taken root under the international radar on August 4, 2016, a day which will forever live in infamy. Of course, sooner than later, the cat will finally leap out of its hidey-hole. Rest assured, the ensuing spin will harp on the usual bugaboos and tropes, that is, multiculturalism trumps all. Leftist speech-minders always intone: get over it, that is that. Move on. We know what’s best for the unwashed masses, or to similar effect.
CONSEQUENTLY, it is the “duty” of each and every leadership to mandate punishments to those who “insult” Islam. Not only that, as a smokescreen to feign as if the new edicts are not all about prostrating to Islam (but some of us know better), Australia’s demented and dhimmi leaders added in other speech deemed “hateful” – to this and that protected group – which must be squelched. Hmm. How’s that working out on this end? Never and never. Besides, where have we heard such illiberal putsches before? Oh yeah, in fascist run countries and Islamic ruled ones alike.
YES, these are the same silencing techniques which Angela Merkel cooked up with Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, in their quest to rid the continent of “hate” speech! As an aside, Facebook’s enabling of militant Islamic jihad (Islam’s enforcement arm) will be exposed in a matter of a few weeks. Stay tuned.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
German Chancellor Angela Merkel was overheard on a hot mic confronting FacebookCEO Mark Zuckerberg over anti-immigrant posts, amid complaints from her government that the social network isn’t doing enough to curtail racist comments.
The two were overheard exchanging words on a live transmission broadcast on the United Nations website, as participants took their seats at a U.N. development summit in New York on Saturday, Bloomberg reported.
After Ms. Merkel asked Mr. Zuckerberg about offensive posts on the refugee crisis, theFacebook CEO said “we need to do some work” on the issue.
“Are you working on this?” Ms. Merkel asked in English, Bloomberg reported.
“Yeah,” Mr. Zuckerberg reportedly responded, before the transmission was disrupted.
MOVING right along….
MIND you, HUSSEIN and surrogates in Washington are totally on board, as are the leftist crew under Canada’s pretty boy Trudeau. Indeed, as night follows day, so-called liberals can always be counted on to tolerate the intolerable through dictatorial measures. No doubt.
BUT it is not as if the underpinnings to Australia’s recent submission to the imposition of Blasphemy Laws – one of Islam’s main tenets – fell out of the blue sky. Thus, “Down Under” was going to bow down to Islam sooner than later. Still, who better to lead the fall, other than the leadership of the Liberal Party, that which has become synonymous within the west with an ideology obsessed and fixated on multiculturalism, regardless of all freedom-based costs. It couldn’t end up any other way.
YES, they are the bullies in the (western) neighborhood.
INDEED, this incendiary topic has been explored at several of this investigative journalist’s media perches. As luck would have it, said disinfectant elicited in this direction the full-blown ire – over the top…off the charts – of the head of a particular NGO in Australia,The Online Hate Prevention Institute. Regardless, most intrinsically, its formative basis was to monitor rampant anti-semitism, that which has always been the canary in the coal mine, unlike the made up out of whole cloth Brotherhood Mafia “Islamophobia” narrative. But never mind, truth is of little consequence.
IN light of the above – and so much more found within these pages – how shocking is it that Australia went from being a combination of a federation, a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy to Islamic rule, one Shariah Law at a time. O M G!
BUT before we get to the tragic news, we must fully internalize what this entails. So look no further than to this primer. It is the G-d’s honest truth, as discomfiting as it is. And it is just the tip of what is in store for Australia and the rest of the west’s dominoes.
What is the punishment for insulting Islam or Muhammad?
Under Sharia, those who insult Muhammad or Allah are to be executed. So are those who desecrate the Quran or commit other acts of blasphemy. This tradition began with Muhammad, as recorded in the Hadith and by his biographers. There is also a Quranic basis for it…..continue reading….if you dare.
ALAS, without further ado…..
Vilification on the grounds of religion is now illegal and in serious cases could result in a criminal conviction with a fine of up to $7500, under laws passed by the ACT parliament.
Both Labor and Liberal (Liberal = Conservative in Australia) supported the move put by the Greens Shane Rattenbury, who said the display of hatred, intolerance and offensive behaviour towards Muslims was one of the biggest intolerance issues in Australia today.
The University of South Australia had found about 10 per cent of Australians were highly Islamophobic, and while the ACT showed the lowest rates in the country, Islamophobia was still significant here.
“It is clear [Muslims] are frequently, almost constantly, exposed to discrimination, vilification and targeted offensive behaviour,” he said.
Thursday’s changes to the Discrimination Act also added disability to the list, so it is now illegal to vilify someone because of disability, religion, race, sexuality, gender identity, and HIV/AIDS status. Vilification can include social media posts, actions in a workplace and wearing clothes, signs or flags that would incite hatred, contempt, ridicule or revulsion.
Attorney-General Simon Corbell said the change was not designed to limit freedom of speech but to “ensure the political discourse does not descend into hatred.” (Limiting freedom of speech is exactly what it does…except if you’re a Muslim)
KNOW that Muslims, under Shariah Law’s Blasphemy dictates, are mandated to wage murderous campaigns against those who depict cartoons of Muhammad, and in the direction of anyone who “insults” Islam, Muhammad. Deadly serious.
AND while there are many levels to the latest western submission, let’s first inaugurate this very black flag day in Australia’s history by changing its national flag from this…..
to one of several Islamic standard bearers.
STILL yet, even with all of the above swirling overhead, there are those in Australia who are truly shocked, shocked by the signage held by Muslims – of all ages – which reads:
(A Brotherhood demo at Hyde Park, in Sydney, Australia!)
EVEN so, aside from Australia’s prostration and downfall to Islam, there is much more at stake. Intrinsically, westerners, those who value freedom and all that it entails, must recognize that Australia is just the first domino to “officially” fall.
IN this regard, the fact that HUSSEIN’s hatchet woman at Justice, Loretta Lynch, warned of the same legal consequences coming down the pike, if Americans dared to criticize Islam, tells us all we need to know.
EFFECTIVELY, with Europe DOA and in the death grip of Eurabia and America falling off the cliff, how long do readers think that ACTUAL laws will be in place to FULLY submit the west’s outposts to the laws of Blasphemy? Give it under a decade, and that’s the long-shot bet!
In May this year, the EU announced that Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft had “committed” to working more closely with them and national governments and “their law enforcement agencies” to help “criminalise” perceived “illegal hate speech” online.
London’s Metropolitan police force said they welcomed the extra workload and wished to encourage offended people to report perceived hate crimes in ever increasing numbers.
GUARANTEED, the edict “behead all those who insult the prophet” is neither hyperbole, nor is it a choice. In reality, whether one Muslim or another partakes in the actual slaughter makes no diff. What westerners must urgently grasp is that there are always tiers to carrying out acts of jihad. Resultant, there will be those who wield the swords/knives, and those who act as their support system networks. Look-outs.
IN any case, it’s your head(s) on the chopping block, that is, if you fail to stop your leaders from going down the same dark path as Australia’s Liberal Party. Whatever it takes!!
- Top Advocacy Anti-blasphemy Laws Get Major Push on Capitol Hill
- Khizr Khan: Constitution ‘must always be subordinated to the Sharia’
- Video: Florida prof. defends Sharia practice of cutting off hands, claims it saves lives
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