One of the many gifts of living in America, a freedom-based nation, is that citizens (emphasis added) are truly free to vote for their candidate(s) of choice. No doubt, the ability to execute said decision is inviolate. Such is the case, irrespective of whether anyone agrees, or not. Full stop.
It is along the very same electoral trajectory that an individual (and group) can campaign on behalf of this one or that one to their heart’s content – even if a particular candidate is viewed as the “devil incarnate”, and their opponent as the “patron saint.”
But whereas this is the case with individuals, it is an absolute no-no for non-profits. As will be seen below a 2017 Executive Order, the IRS mandate, for all intents and purposes, stands as is. This is so despite President Trump’s Executive Order On Religious Political Activity.……
The precise language of the President’s controversial Executive Order does nothing to actually change the law. The Order directs federal agencies “to the greatest extent practicable and to the extent permitted by law” to “respect and protect the freedom of persons and organizations to engage in religious and political speech.”
“In particular,” the Order says, “the Secretary of the Treasury shall ensure, to the extent permitted by law, that the Department of the Treasury does not take any adverse action against any individual, house of worship, or other religious organization on the basis that such individual or organization speaks or has spoken about moral or political issues from a religious perspective, where speech of similar character has, consistent with law, not ordinarily been treated as participation or intervention in a political campaign …”
Most significantly, the DIRECT endorsement and full-on campaign for a candidate by the violator at hand (patience, dear reader) is in no way supportable under President Trump’s order, that is, an “organization speaks or has spoken about moral or political issues from a religious perspective….”
Onto the Letter Of The Law…..
- Charitable nonprofits and foundations may not “participate in, or intervene in (including publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for political office.” 26 U.S.C. Section 501(c)(3). This prohibition applies to any and all candidates for federal, state and even local elections. See IRS Regulations, Section 1.501(c)(3)-1(3) (iii).
- The Supreme Court Decision, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, does NOT change how other laws limit election-related activities of charitable nonprofits recognized under Section 501(c)(3).
- If a candidate for public office approaches your nonprofit and asks to speak at a function, what should the response be? “NO” if the candidate plans to talk about his or her campaign; “Yes” if the candidate only talks about the charitable nonprofit and topics related to the mission, and if other candidates are also invited. Since it’s difficult to “control the message” when a candidate is speaking, many nonprofits avoid the risks involved in order to scrupulously maintain a nonpartisan position.
- Some have observed that “once a candidate, always a candidate,” however, technically an individual who is an incumbent, and has not announced s/he is running for office, is not a “candidate.”
- Organizations with substantial political or lobbying objectives may be recognized as tax-exempt under Code Section 501(c)(4). The rules that apply to 501(c(4) organizations are different from those that pertain to 501(c)(3)s, and permit 501(c)(4) tax-exempt organizations to engage in substantial lobbying, as long as it is “germane” to the organization’s program, among other limitations. (Nonprofit Law Blog)
Lobbying is NOT the same as political campaign activity. Engaging in lobbying by charitable nonprofits is permitted, but expending more than an “insubstantial” amount of energy or resources towards lobbying activities can be problematic. Charities that engage in a “substantial” amount of lobbying expose themselves to IRS penalties (“excise taxes”).
- Learn how to protect your nonprofit while lobbying by making the “501(h) election”
- Political activities and legislative activities are two different things and subject to two different sets of rules. (IRS)
- IRS Compliance Guide addresses political campaign activity (pp 3-7)
- Protecting Nonprofit Nonpartisanship (National Council of Nonprofits)
- Election Year Issues, and IRS Publication 1828 discuss the ban thoroughly. (IRS)
- More on election year issues (IRS)
- Your nonprofit in politics (Nonprofit Law Blog)
- Limits on political campaigning for 501c3 nonprofits (NOLO)
- Charities, churches, and politics (IRS)
- Nonprofit Lobbying – Don’t forget to register (Charity Lawyer)
Now that that is established and firmly upheld by IRS rules and regulations, surely those in violation thereof should be stripped of their nonprofit status – or so it would seem.
In this regard, it has come to this investigative journalist’s attention that a particular Shiite mosque (with Sunni teachings on hand), American Muslim Diversity Association (located at 44760 Ryan Road, Sterling Heights, MI 48314, a suburb of Dearborn….phone #: 586-804-7130), is stumping for their candidate of choice – a VERY clear violation of IRS nonprofit rules and regs! Trust, AMDA is hardly the lone mosque involved in this illegal activity throughout America. But, so far, it is the one caught red-handed in this highly active Islamic region.
Even so, don’t dare be fooled. Their leadership must be aware of the “do’s and don’t’s” (through another IRS directive for nonprofits, that is, a yearly audit of the organization’s financial statements by an independent CPA) that all mosques (churches, synagogues, et al.) must abide by. Nevertheless, they also understand that Muslims are considered a “protected” group in America and will be given a free pass. But that doesn’t mean that massive pressure put to bear won’t change the unfair and dangerous calculus. Patriots, you got that?
Moving right along…..
As a none too incidental or insignificant tidbit, permission has been granted to expose who “dropped the hammer”, so to speak. Well, Dave Gaubatz, CAIR’s nemesis, that’s who! In fact, he “visited” American Muslim Diversity Association on March 6, 2020, having conducted first-hand research – as only he knows how to! Understood?
More specifically, found among their (IRS-forbidden) fully displayed literature….talk about brass balls….prima facie evidence is seen below for ALL (emphasis placed) to view and pass on….and on….
But not to be lost in all of their blatant in-your-face disregard of rules and regs – mind you, which other non-Muslim nonprofits have to abide by – it is highly germane and noteworthy to know who AMDA’s candidate of choice is. Indeed, it is none other than Comrade Bernie! They are full throttle behind him. This is so because “reds and greens” have the same end goal: America’s destruction. This seemingly “strange” alliance is emblematic of the truism “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” And this is precisely why Reps Omar and Tlaib, as well as the jihadi from the Brooklyn, NY ‘hood, Muslima Linda Sarsour (trust, all three are full-throated Mohammedans), are standing shoulder to shoulder with AOC in support of the so-called Democrat-socialist! Sans a scintilla of a doubt, this otherwise motley crew operate in league – vis-à-vis toppling the nation’s Judeo-Christian roots.
Alas, atop AMDA’s anti-American treachery, take a long look at another “find” – during the very same investigation on March 6, 2020, at the (now revealed) violator’s premises. As it happens, an upcoming speaker (among a “who’s who terror list” in the Islamic arena) is none other than, Siraj Wahhaj! It is in the opinion of this Muslim Brotherhood expert that he is the most dangerous Islamic jihadi in America, in and of itself, a very high bar to cross!
Incontestably, according to the following excerpt at a well-respected and highly-sourced Intelligence Digest, The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Watch:
Local media is reporting that Siraj Wahajj, an American Islamic convert tied to the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood and an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, is behind a planned New York subway ad campaign to explaining the meaning of Islam. According to one report:…..continue your educational journey here….
Inextricably, Shiite and Sunni Mohammedans (even though, for centuries on end, they continue to struggle for hegemonic rule) are much more closely bonded than non-Muslims realize. In this way, they act as a force multiplier, that is, when it comes to fighting the infidel. Said truth and relevance rears to the forefront when CAIR – the main propaganda arm of the (Sunni) Muslim Brotherhood Mafia for Hamas in America (and Canada) – rallied (and continues to) behind their Shiite brothers and sisters at the very same IRS violator, American Muslim Diversity Association. Details below. This is hardly an insignificant danger to America’s national security.
Inextricably, this IS CAIR:
Most urgently, a two-tier ACTION ALERT should be deemed a front and center alarm, as well as a warning bell.
- The first tier: In so far that Michigan’s Democratic primary will take place on Tuesday, March 10, it necessitates an IMMEDIATE alert to the proper authorities – as to what is illegally taking place at AMDA. More than likely, others should be added onto the list of violators – Shiite and Sunni, too. As such, the IRS address to report said crime (and, it is) is as follows:
Members of the public may send information that raises questions about an exempt organization’s compliance with the Internal Revenue Code to IRS – EO Referrals, 1100 Commerce Street, MC 4910 DAL, Dallas, TX 75242. They may use Form 13909, Tax-Exempt Organization Complaint (Referral) Form, for this purpose.
In addition to oversight by the IRS, tax-exempt organizations are subject to oversight by State charity regulators and State tax agencies. You may also want to send a copy of the referral you send to us to your state charity regulator and/or state tax agency.
- The second tier: As a piggyback and adjunct, a MASSIVE public pressure campaign must be exerted by patriotic and conservative organizations, relative to the tax exempt fraud perpetrated on average taxpayers – yes, they end up footing the bill – by mosques and associated terror front groups. In turn, media organs will have no option but to, however reluctantly, respond.
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