
Missouri Senate Candidate at Gun Range – Reporter Hit with Shrapnel by Accident

Guns, Gaffes, and Democrat Clowns

Former RINO Adam Kinzinger was with Missouri senate candidate Lucas Kunce at a gun range for a photo op. (You know, to prove these fools are 2nd Amendment supporters.) But it didn’t go as planned (like it never does with clown world). Because they used an AR-15 and shot at METAL TARGETS from only a few yards, a reporter, KSHB-TV’s Ryan Gamboa, at the event got hit with shrapnel in the arm.  Duh.

Democrat Missouri senate Candidate Kunce is running against Josh Hawley (R-MO).  But as usual in clown world, the fools who were trying to be tough guys made mistakes. The first one is that shooting from a short few yards at a metal target was guaranteed to cause an injury. They are lucky they didn’t kill the poor fake news journalist.

The second problem was that Kinzinger and his idiots used a scope to shoot just a few yards. With no eye protection. And the tourniquet was improperly placed. Kunce is supposedly a Marine veteran – they actually teach tourniquet use in the Corps – he must have been absent…

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

X had some comments about the Missouri Senate Candidate and his RINO buddy:

“Adam Kinzinger and Democrat MO Senate nominee Lucas Kunce went shooting today for a photo-op, and a reporter got SH0T guns, Gaffes, and Democrats: A Tale of Two Targets Oh, what a day in the world of political theater.
href=”https://x.com/AdamKinzinger”>@AdamKinzinger and @LucasKunceMO  thought they’d stage a little gun show for the cameras, but guess what? They ended up with a live reenactment of “How Not to Handle Firearms 101.” Here’s the scoop: Adam Kinzinger and Lucas Kunce decided to play tough guys with an AR-15, aiming at metal plates from just FIFTEEN FEET away. What could go wrong, right? Well, everything. A reporter, probably expecting a dull day of watching politicians pretend to be regular folks, ends up getting SHOT – or, hit by shrapnel, but let’s not split hairs where bullets are involved! Adam Kinzinger, once a Congressman, now seemingly aiming for a spot on “America’s Funniest Home Videos,” forgot the first rule of gun safety: Don’t shoot yourself or others. And Lucas Kunce? The man who wants to represent Missouri in the Senate couldn’t even manage a safe photo-op. And let’s chat about that photo-op—because nothing says “I’m one with the people” like accidentally turning a reporter into a target. Maybe next time, try a fishing trip? Though, with their luck, they’d probably hook a voter. Remember folks, this isn’t the first time a Democrat-adjacent figure has had a whoopsie with a weapon. Dick Cheney, a Kamala supporter in spirit if not in party, once mistook a hunting buddy for a quail. Seems like a trend, doesn’t it? So here’s an idea: maybe it’s time to disarm the Democrats. If they’re not shooting reporters, they’re proving they can’t tell the business end of a gun from a selfie stick.

@LucasKunceMO and @AdamKinzinger  maybe stick to water guns next time? At least then, the only thing you’ll shoot is your eye out, not a poor journalist/propagandist just doing his job.” Thomas Paine Band on X

Kinzinger holds his rifle like a complete ninny, and that will never not be funny to me. And pro-tip for Kinzinger: the eye protection works better when it’s on your eyes, not your head. You stupid idiot. Try using your brain for once. You’re lucky you still have one after today.” Sean Davis, Federalist Founder
“My grandsons know more gun safety then they do and they are 6 & 7 yrs old.” @Gretchen_Lulu

“He didn’t shoot a reporter. The reporter was hit by spall from these idiots shooting much too close to metal targets. Also, tourniquet was improperly applied.”  Also, shooting with a magnified scope at 7-10 yards.  Also, shooters eye pro was not on for these shots.” @ItsGlockOClock

Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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