
Wikileaks Phase Three Release To Commence Soon

Wikileaks Phase Three Release To Commence Soon
Wikileaks Phase Three Release To Commence Soon

Wikileaks announced on Twitter that it will commence Phase 3 of its US election coverage this week and as it has been from the beginning, will mostly focus on the Clinton corruption and emails, while Democrats cry foul as corruption is okay with them.

WikiLeaks supporters, now including a number of supporters of GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump and former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, immediately replied with tweets expressing hope that phase three would ultimately damage Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the Hill reported.

At the same time, it appears that the releases will not only entail Hillary Clinton, but the Hill believes that the new release may not focus solely on Clinton but others in the DNC.

The Hill also stated:

Guccifer 2.0 was also involved in the attack on the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Guccifer 2.0, who claims to be a lone Romanian man, leaked files to The Hill and other sites from both the DNC and DCCC hacks.

Talking with The Hill this summer, Guccifer 2.0 said he sent the brunt of the files taken from the DCCC attack to WikiLeaks. If true, those files have not been released by the site yet.

Yet, the Hillary supporters continue to ignore the corruption and crimes of Hillary and still plan to vote for her.

One liberal posted on her Facebook page, “Dustin Ginsberg: “I’m still with you Hillary! This ploy by the FBI is just to try and set us off course but we will prevail! Trump is unfit to be President! You are qualified, intelligent and have the temperament for office!”

Decades ago, leaders of the Soviet Union described those in the West, as “useful idiots”, who naively promoted the cause of Russian Communism when in reality they were held in contempt and were being cynically used by the Soviet chain of command.

Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin used the term “polyezniy idiot” or “useful idiot” to describe sympathizers in the West who blindly supported Communist leaders.

Lenin stated at one time, “The goal of socialism is communism… give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.”

Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin statements is that of today’s Democratic Party used against their supporters.

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Fmr. Sgt, USAF Intelligence, NSA/DOD; Studied Cryptology at Community College of the Air Force

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