
Video: Fake News CNN Joins AOC In Comparing Trump to Hitler

On a night when President Trump officially kicked off his 2020 re-election campaign with a theme surrounding the greatness of our nation, Democrats were engaged in a full-throated defense of one of their own saying America is running “concentration camps” comparable to Nazi Germany.

It is a stark contrast, to say the least.

And the resistance party’s favorite news network, CNN, was so enamored with the concentration camp/Hitler analogy, initiated by New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, that they fully committed to defending it on multiple occasions Tuesday evening.

It’s yet another example that CNN is the undisputed leader when it comes to being the ‘enemy of the people.’

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Trump Celebrates America While the Left Despises It

The President kicked off his 2020 re-election campaign Tuesday night before a massive crowd in Orlando’s Amway Center arena. In typical fashion, he expressed his love of America.

“Our country is soaring to incredible new heights,” Trump boasted to an ovation. “The fact is, the American Dream is back. It’s bigger, and better, and stronger than ever before.”

The left meanwhile, was spending an exorbitant amount of time coming to the defense of Ocasio-Cortez who outrageously declared illegal immigrant holding areas at the southern border are exactly like “concentration camps.”

“That is exactly what they are. They are concentration camps,” Ocasio-Cortez claimed.

She added, “Never again,” a phrase specifically tied to the Holocaust.

Prominent blue checkmark twitter personalities raced to defend the New York Democrat, brandishing their own form of historical ignorance. And then, there was CNN …

CNN to the Rescue

Angela Rye, a consistent CNN political commentator, defended Ocasio-Cortez and pushed it a step further, suggesting these areas housing illegal immigrants are destined to become the same “death camps” that existed in Nazi Germany.

Rye was screeching at fellow CNN contributor Steve Cortes, who suggested Ocasio-Cortez should resign in the wake of her disgusting comments.

“It is a crisis, Steve. It is not okay just because they don’t have their papers. I hope that at some point you wrestle with your conscience and get to the right side of this because sir you are on the wrong side of history,” she said before showing she has no grasp of history or what is taking place at the border.

“In 1933, they were concentration camps; in 1941, they were death camps and that is where we are going if our consciences are not quickly pierced,” Rye continued without evidence.

Watch the absolute insanity leave her lips in the clip below …

Odd, it’s not very often people travel hundreds of thousands of miles to get into a ‘death camp,’ and yet illegals flood our borders on a daily basis. Yea, Angela, it’s just like Nazi Germany. ?

Was she this crazy when Barack was filling up these so-called ‘concentration camps’?

In 2014, the Obama Administration also housed migrant children at Fort Sill in Oklahoma, the former site of a Japanese internment camp.

The Obama administration also housed migrant children at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas, another former site of a WWII internment camp.

No screeching back then. No shouts of death camps from the left then. It’s just Trump that triggers liberals to say the most insane things they can think of.

Of course, Rye is the same woman who has refused to even accept that Trump is her President.

Don Lemon With the Hot Take

CNN anchor Don Lemon upped the insanity when he joined Chris Cuomo for a ‘civilized’ discussion of how the media shouldn’t cover the President the same way they would Adolf Hitler.

“Think about Hitler. Think about any of those people… if you could look back in history, would you say, ‘Well, I’m so glad that person was allowed a platform so that they could spread their hate and propaganda and lies,’ or would you say, ‘That probably wasn’t the right thing to do to spread that because you knew in that moment that was a bad person and they were doing bad things. And not only were they hurting people, they were killing people.”

Yes, he actually said that. And yes, it was so off the wall insane that even Cuomo pushed back, calling it “a very extreme example.”

Lemon continued by using the media-inspired hoax that Trump said there were ‘fine people’ on both sides of the tragedy in Charlottesville.

“Comparing anything to an extreme like a Hitler- it weakens the argument,” Cuomo shot back, “because you are now taking a guy who says things you don’t like and comparing him to a genocidal maniac.”

Lemon, who had just decried the President for telling ‘little lies,’ denied he was comparing him to Hitler despite video evidence showing that’s exactly what he did.

Rye and Lemon aren’t outliers on CNN – they are the norm. Is it any wonder the crowd at Trump’s rally took all of five minutes to begin with a “CNN Sucks!” chant?

They truly are the ‘enemy of the American people.’

Cross-posted with Mental Recession


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