Va. Democrat to ask God to kill all NRA members on air

Mike Dickinson, the unhinged Virginia moonbat and wannabe Twitter tough guy who wants the House seat formerly held by Eric Cantor despite not being on the ballot, now says he’s going to have a regular radio program and he plans to lead a prayer on air asking God to murder everyone in the NRA.
For those who don’t remember, Dickinson is the fascist Democrat who first caught national attention when he claimed Fox News lies and called for Soviet-style regulation and monitoring of the network. He’s also the slimeball who offered $100,000 for nude photos of Kendall Jones, a 19-year-old Texas cheerleader who also hunts big game.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Yeah, he went there. Remember, this is a guy who campaigned on a promise to decimate Christians and eradicate the Tea Party.
He claims he’s going to be a regular feature at WHAN radio:
But WHAN radio says nothing about it on their website. We reached out to WHAN but have not yet received a reply.
One person noted:
Wikipedia notes:
Alan Berg (January 1, 1934 – June 18, 1984) was an American attorney and Denver, Colorado, talk radio show host. Berg was notable for his largely liberal, outspoken viewpoints and confrontational interview style.
On the evening of June 18, 1984, Berg was fatally shot in the driveway of his Denver town home by members of the white nationalist group, The Order. He died immediately. Ultimately, two members of The Order, David Lane and Bruce Pierce, were convicted for their involvement in the case, though neither of homicide.
Personally, I doubt he’ll last very long. Liberal hate radio hosts generally don’t do well. Google “Air America.”
Still, it ought to be interesting, and educational for those who want proof that liberalism is an ideology of rage and hate. Who knows? Maybe he’ll last five minutes longer than Alec Baldwin. After all, talk radio is not as easy as people think…
And if history is any teacher, maybe he’ll bomb like he did both times he showed up on Fox News.
- Va. Dem. offers reward for nude photos of hunter-cheerleader Kendall Jones
- Va. Dem. wants police called on Tea Party members, seeks personal information
- Va. Dem. to supporters: Break the law, use police to harass Tea Party members
- Did Va. Dem. Mike Dickinson suggest killing Sarah Palin, Michelle Malkin?
- Va. Dems unsure of Mike Dickinson over connections to local adult businesses
- Va. Dem. who says Fox lies admits lying about adult business ties on Fox News
- Va. Dem. wants police called on Tea Party members, seeks personal information
- Va. Dem. says he wants to ‘decimate’ Christians, ‘eradicate’ Tea Party
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