Professor to Tucker Carlson: Antifa has the right to physically beat opponents — Video
While appearing on Fox News, Mike Isaacson, a professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice who supports the radical far-left Antifa , told Tucker Carlson that the group has the right to physically beat political opponents, Mediaite and others reported Thursday.
According to Isaacson, “communities have the right to defend themselves against groups that actively seek to eliminate members of that community.”
“Defend themselves against violence?” Carlson asked.
“Yes, against violence.” Isaacson said in response.
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Mediaite added:
After the Fox News host tried to push back, Isaacson mockingly asked if we’re “going to pretend” that violent racists like Dylann Roof didn’t exist.
“Are you really a professor, by the way?” Carlson shot back.
Carlson asked for an example for a public figure who should have their free speech “taken away,” Isaacson invoked alt-right leader Richard Spencer and called him a “danger to society.”
“When he speaks in public, what he is doing- he is publicly recruiting people to his very violent movement, very violent ideology,” Isaacson said.
When pressed by Carlson if he thought Spencer “had the right to speak in public,” Isaacson said he doesn’t think Spencer has a right to speak in public “unopposed.”
“But it’s not opposition,” Carlson argued. “You shut people down, you prevent people from speaking, you commit violence against them.”
When Carlson asked if that violence was justified, Isaacson said “yes.”
“I believe communities have the right to defend themselves against threats to their communities,” Isaacson reiterated.
“Against ideas they don’t like!” Carlson responded
Here’s video of the segment:
Isaacson, the Daily Caller said, is a co-founder of the Antifa organization Smash Racism D.C. and recently laughed at dead police officers in a series of tweets.
According to the Daily Caller:
Isaacson shared his support of political violence in an interview with The Hill Thursday, which was pointed out by Far Left Watch. The article, which explores the Antifa movement and its proponents in academia, got a few choice quotes from the professor.
“The justification [of the use of violence] is that Nazi ideology at its very core is founded on violence and on wielding power by any means,” Isaacson said.
“There is the question of whether these people should feel safe organizing as Nazis in public, and I don’t think they should,” he continued. “I don’t think anyone should think that someone who is intent on politically organizing for the sake of creating a state-sponsored genocide — I don’t think is something that we should protect.”
Translation: A criminal justice “professor” thinks people with whom he disagrees are Nazis who should be physically assaulted.
And, the Daily Caller noted, Isaacson has a pretty strange idea of what defines a “fascist.”
Got that? If you oppose Communism, you’re a fascist. And you deserve to be beaten.
This is what’s teaching our children at John Jay College. Let that sink in for a moment.
Worse yet, the Daily Caller said, he has made jokes about killing his students, which happen to be future police officers.
This is why Antifa needs to be declared a domestic terrorist organization.
What do you think? Should John Jay College fire this “professor?” Let us know what you think in the comments below.
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