
NASHVILLE SHOOTER: Leftist Judge Did WHAT To Journalist Reporting On Killer’s Documents?

What is the left trying to hide in this story? And more importantly... WHY?

From the very beginning, details around Audrey Hale’s massacre at Covenant School in Nashville didn’t add up. We can now add one judge’s weird ultimatums against a journalist to the list:

Michael Patrick Leahy, editor-in-chief of the Tennessee Star obtained some of the writings left behind by the Nashville Covenant School shooter. These writings had nothing whatsoever to do with the documents being held and reviewed by a Democrat court official in Tennessee.

But that distinction, for some reason, has NOT prevented the journalist from being threatened with contempt of court, or even criminal prosecution, for writing true statements about legally-obtained documents that were unrelated to the court order issued by Nashville Chancellor I’Ashea Myles.

Referencing the Supreme Court’s Pentagon Papers ruling that revolved around the 1971 leak of documents from the Defense Department about America’s outlook in the Vietnam War, Shellenberger suggested Myles may have violated that ruling protecting the First Amendment when ordering Leahy “to reveal the source of documents leaked to him.”

“A judge doesn’t have the right to force me to do something unconstitutional,” the Star’s editor-in-chief told the journalist over the phone.

Summing up the import of Monday’s hearing where Leahy would have to defend against being held in contempt, Shellenberger indicated, “The FBI had blocked the release of the documents, ostensibly fearing copycat killings by a ‘segment of the population more vulnerable or open to conspiracy theories.’ Someone leaked them to Leahy anyway, and he published articles that quoted from them.”

“The case is important for anyone who cares about free speech, a free press, and the Pentagon Papers principle,” he continued. “Leahy’s attorney filed an emergency motion last week, arguing that the Judge’s order would violate the First Amendment and Tennessee state law.” —BizpacReview

Leahy was a guest on the Mark Levin show last night, and explained that he had to bring in a First Amendment lawyer to handle this situation, and the chancellor Myles refused to even explain what Leahy had supposedly done ‘wrong’.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

But we all know what the problem was. Leahy never published the actual documents themselves. But he DID tell the public a lot about the content he had in his possession.

There was a LOT of disturbing stuff in those documents, some of which we already know from other sources, including anti-religious bigotry, her talk of an ‘imaginary penis’, and that at least part of her motivation to become male provided her a solution to the discomfort she felt with her same-sex attraction. She was angry that puberty blockers came as an option AFTER she had already matured as a woman.

You might go so far as to say, to her mind, transgender identity became the secular and medical analog to what the left mocks as ‘praying the gay away’. In other words: she saw it as a surgical form of conversion therapy.

That’s a serious problem for anyone pushing the narrative of gender-affirming care.

But that’s hardly a justification for a judge stripping a journalist of his protected First Amendment rights, is it?

Well, that might depend on just how radical the judge trying to strip the journalist of said rights might be, mightn’t it?

Some background about Chancellor Myles:

See if you can spot anything interesting within the opening and closing paragraphs of the bio she supplied for the Nashville Trial Court’s website:

The Honorable Chancellor I’Ashea L. Myles is an experienced litigator and businesswoman who left the private sector to start a legal career and begin to fill a need for passionate, effective, diverse advocacy in the Davidson County legal system. She is the first African American female civil trial court Judge and Chancellor in Nashville, Tennessee.
[…] “I am truly honored to have an opportunity, as a minority woman, to be the first to bring this diverse and inclusive perspective to our civil trial court bench in Nashville. With the critical matters brought to the Chancery Court, it is vitally important that the law is interpreted and applied impartially and equally for everyone in this county and I plan to do just that.”

She’s slathering on the ‘social justice’ and ‘identity’ shibboleths pretty thick there, isn’t she? Surely that wouldn’t impact any OTHER identity issues that come across her desk, would it?

Nah. ‘Course not.

The Wider Context of this story:

The public knows all about most mass killers’ motives and manifestos. Especially if those motives can be framed as racist or right-wing. But the dead girl who slaughtered six victims in a school before being shot dead herself? All those details have been locked up tighter than Fort Knox.

In cases where the details HAVE gone public, the people responsible for leaking them are investigated.

Shockingly, knew more about the still-pending Dobbs decision than we do this manifesto, and law enforcement took the manifesto leak more seriously than the SCOTUS leak.

Media handling of this killing was weird from the beginning

The media didn’t know quite how to handle their response in this story. It’s not every day that a member of the most protected class goes rogue to join the ranks of society’s most reviled villains.

Suddenly all the rules about misgendering and dead-naming were tossed out the window. We were told the killer was a girl named Audrey. In the mainstream news, hardly any mention was made of the awkward fact that the school shooter was ‘trans’.

When the shooter’s gender identity DID become public knowledge, the left found a way to reframe the wider LGBT community as the ‘real’ victims of this story, much to the surprise of everyone who considered the ‘real victims’ to be the murdered students and staff together with the families they left behind. We saw the showboating of the ‘Tennessee Three’ lead a series of protests that broke into state houses and disrupted the business of government that mysteriously did NOT get called out by either the FBI or the media as some sort of a criminal insurrection despite some obvious parallels to J6.

Can’t talk about Audrey’s identity in this case because the rainbow people harbored fears of backlash. (As if that ever stops journalists from broad-brushing any OTHER group… especially politically-disfavored ones.)

Seven Nashville police were put on administrative leave, three of them for about a month, while authorities tried to track down the leak… returning them to full duties only after ‘all available investigative approaches’ had been exhausted.

All officers placed on administrative assignment with the Metro Nashville Police Department after The Covenant School shooter’s writings were leaked have returned to regular duty amid an ongoing investigation.

MNPD Chief John Drake says the department has “exhausted” all available investigative approaches to identify the person who leaked three pages of writings from The Covenant School shooter to Steven Crowder, host of the Louder with Crowder talk show.

The investigation has not found any active MNPD employees, or employees of any partner agency, took part in the unauthorized release of the writings. — Fox17

In an environment where Biden’s FBI is more interested in chasing down whistleblowers than lawbreakers, this is a VERY disturbing trend.

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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