
Naming Podesta ‘executive power’ czar signals Obama’s intent to rule by fiat


John Podesta has agreed to serve as counselor to President Obama for one year.
John Podesta has agreed to serve as counselor to President Obama for one year.

The New York Times and other media outlets are reporting that John Podesta, President Bill Clinton’s former chief of staff, has agreed to serve as counselor to President Obama for one year. Podesta will reportedly assist the president on ““matters related to the health care law, administration organization and executive actions,” and will also “focus in particular on climate change issues.”

Podesta’s appointment as the new “executive power” czar should set off alarm bells across the nation. It is tantamount to an admission by President Obama that his intention is to shift his ongoing trampling of the Constitution into high gear.

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Darren Pope

Darren Pope has been contributing to a variety of web and print publications for more than 10 years, covering everything from news and politics, to sports and entertainment.

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