
Liberal GQ writer: I would like to beat mother of Benghazi victim ‘to death’

A GQ Magazine writer said he wanted to beat Patricia Smith to death
Screengrab: YouTube

Liberalism, as I’ve said time and again, is an ideology of rage and hate.  That assertion was proved beyond a shadow of a doubt when Bethlehem Shoals, a writer for GQ Magazine, said on Twitter that he would like to beat Patricia Smith to death after her speech at the Republican National Convention.

Smith is the mother of one of the four Americans killed when terrorists attacked the Benghazi compound in 2012.


He deleted his horrific tweet and issued an apology:

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Last night, when Pat Smith was speaking onstage at the Republication National Convention, I tweeted that “no matter how many children she’s lost, I’d like to beat her to death.” That’s what I said, and I accept full responsibility for my actions and their consequences.

That’s a good start.

Why did I do it? It certainly wasn’t intended as a literal threat on a woman’s life. If anything, it was an extremely ill-advised attempt at satirizing the overall climate of the RNC. But with that kind of hateful language, an explanation just turns into rationalization.

The real reason you did it, Shoals, is because — as I’ve said over and over again — liberalism is an ideology rooted in hate.  It wasn’t satirical, it was just blind, seething hatred.  And as Scripture teaches, out of the mouth come the desires of the heart.  He continued:

I certainly didn’t help the situation by getting defensive and suggesting that Twitter, vile as it can be, is already a hotbed for this kind of discourse, or by arguing that my track record and reputation as a writer could provide any exculpatory context. Because what matters is that I said it. And I wish I could take it back.

No, Shoals, you didn’t.  The best thing you could’ve done is kept quiet.

Under no circumstances is it okay to invoke violence against women. As outraged as I was by parts of Pat Smith’s speech, to use this kind of language as a means of expressing that feeling was completely out of bounds. I also completely understand how, regardless of my intent, it was extremely triggering for a lot of people. And for that I am genuinely sorry.

But it’s okay to invoke violence against men?  And it wasn’t just “triggering,” it was an incitement to violence.

What makes this worse is that Shoals is allegedly a “professional” working for a well-known magazine.  Surely, one would think that he would be mature enough to stay away from this kind of rhetoric, but we now know that he isn’t.

Sadly, there are far too many on the left like this guy.  And a whole bunch of them work for mainstream outlets.

But we should thank Shoals for one thing — he has revealed to the entire world that when push comes to shove, deep down, liberals want to kill you if you’re a conservative.

Welcome to Obama’s fundamentally-transformed America.

H/T Gateway Pundit


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Joe Newby

A 10-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, Joe ran for a city council position in Riverside, Calif., in 1991 and managed successful campaigns for the Idaho state legislature. Co-author of "Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad," Joe wrote for Examiner.com from 2010 until it closed in 2016 and his work has been published at Newsbusters, Spokane Faith and Values and other sites. He now runs the Conservative Firing Line.

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