
GOP Rep. proposes DHS pre-crime unit to seize guns

Justin Amash warns of a bill to take guns based on pre-crime
Rep. Justin Amash warns of a GOP bill to take guns based on pre-crime (Wikimedia Commons)

On Sunday, Rep. [score]Justin Amash[/score], R-Mich., warned of a homeland security measure introduced by House Majority Leader [score]Kevin McCarthy[/score] that could, if passed into law, violate several constitutional amendments and introduce a real-life “Minority Report,” giving the government power to strip Americans of basic rights based on what they might do in the future.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

The bill, HR5611, would establish something known as the Office for Partnerships to Prevent Terrorism within the Department of Homeland Security.

The stated purpose of the bill, Newsmax said, is to “prevent terrorists from launching attacks and obtaining passports, and for other purposes.”

Amash added:


The measure is in response to the Democratic sit-in in Congress, and while it claims to help prevent radical Islamic terrorism, it’s the “for other purposes” part that has Amash concerned.

Part of the bill reads:

“(7)(A) When the Attorney General is notified of a request to transfer a firearm or an explosive to a person who is being, or has been investigated during the previous 5 years, as a known or suspected terrorist, the Attorney General shall, as appropriate, notify relevant Federal, State, or local law enforcement agencies or intelligence agencies concerning the identity of the prospective transferee.

“(B) Upon being notified of a prospective transfer of a firearm or an explosive to a person who is being investigated as a known or suspected terrorist, the Attorney General or the United States attorney for the district in which the licensee is located may–

“(i) delay the transfer of the firearm or explosive for a period not to exceed 3 business days; and

“(ii) file an emergency petition in a court of competent jurisdiction to prohibit the transfer of the firearm or explosive, which petition shall receive the highest priority on the docket of that court.

A post at Granite Grok adds:

If a person is a ‘known terrorist,’ why the hell aren’t they being prosecuted? What in the hell is wrong with Republicans that they have lost any semblance to the party of freedom and liberty? They’ve become no better than bottom feeder Democrats who abhor the Constitution unless they are pleading the 5th.

The reality is Americans have built this. Too many haven’t bothered paying attention to what’s going on in their local, state or federal government. When they hear about ridiculous laws that infringe upon EVERYONE’S rights, they don’t get it. They think these laws won’t affect them.

Clearly too many Americans have forgotten history and therefore are doomed to repeat it.

We concur…

Kimberly Morin adds: “The only difference between 1776 and 2016 is the tyrants are now in D.C.”

But will voters remember in November?


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Joe Newby

A 10-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, Joe ran for a city council position in Riverside, Calif., in 1991 and managed successful campaigns for the Idaho state legislature. Co-author of "Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad," Joe wrote for Examiner.com from 2010 until it closed in 2016 and his work has been published at Newsbusters, Spokane Faith and Values and other sites. He now runs the Conservative Firing Line.

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