
Gabby Giffords launches another gun control ‘coalition’

Gabby & Cheryl
Former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords (left), shown here at an appearance in Washington State, helped launch a new Arizona gun control group Thursday. (Dave Workman)

As if there weren’t enough gun control groups disguising themselves as “gun safety” organizations, former Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle “Gabby” Giffords was in Phoenix Thursday to announce what appears to be yet another gun control effort.

According to KTAR News, Giffords and husband, former astronaut Mark Kelly, helped launch what was described as “a bipartisan group known as Arizona Coalition for Common Sense.”

Giffords and Kelly founded Americans for Responsible Solutions a few years ago. Ever since, they’ve been traveling around the country to promote passage of “universal background check” gun control measures including Initiative 594 in Washington State and similar efforts in Oregon, Nevada and Maine.

Last month, USA Today reported that they’ve got “new law enforcement allies” identified as the “Law Enforcement Coalition for Common Sense.”

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According to the Arizona Republic, “Kelly said that among the changes the coalition will seek is closing loopholes in Arizona laws that allow state felons, domestic abusers and the dangerously mentally ill to have the option of buying a gun without a background check.

But no such “option” exists for people in any of those categories because they are disqualified by law from possessing firearms. It is not legal for such individuals to obtain firearms, regardless how they do it. And since criminals don’t bother with background checks, anyway, passing a so-called “universal background check” law to create the illusion that something has been accomplished will likely have no effect.

The man who shot Giffords in 2011 and killed six other people in the process had passed a background check.

Anti-gunners have polished their rhetoric in recent years, carefully avoiding the term “control” and substituting words like “safety,” “responsibility” and “common sense,” but they all translate to “control” if not “prohibition.” The dominant media has adopted this vocabulary, as if to grant these groups the moral high ground without a single question.

For example, in its story, KTAR said this: “Former Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords with husband and retired astronaut Capt. Mark Kelly on Thursday announced a new Arizona group focused on passing gun safety legislation.”

The Arizona Republic reported, “Giffords and Kelly announced the launch of a group called the Arizona Coalition for Common Sense to reduce gun violence.”

What is the difference between violence with knives, machetes or some other murder weapon? Do news reports ever mention “knife violence” or “hammer violence?”

Bellingham police fatally shot a knife-wielding man this week who apparently had slashed another man in the neck just before the deadly confrontation.

Police in Napa, California killed a man this week who had been accosting other people with a knife.

There have been no headlines about “knife violence” and nobody has explained that there are no background checks on knife purchases.

What has been explained, without question, is that Giffords and Kelly have helped create another group that might try to erode the Second Amendment.


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