
Former CBS correspondent Lara Logan: ‘That’s not journalism, that’s horse—-’

UPDATED: In a brutally honest interview that is going viral on YouTube, former CBS foreign correspondent Lara Logan decried the way some of today’s newspeople seem to have thrown standards of journalism out the window, calling it “horses—t.”

In the lengthy YouTube video, Logan discusses journalism and her concerns about media bias with Mike Ritland, a podcaster for Breitbart. The discussion gets down to the basics at about two hours and 25 minutes into the 3 ½ -hour conversation. According to Mediaite, Logan “quietly departed CBS last year.”

“We have a few conventions,” Logan explained, “if you like, they’re not really rules. But, that, you need at least two first-hand sources for something. Those things help you keep your work to a certain standard. Those standards are out the window. I mean you read one story off another, or hear it, all based on one anonymous administration official, or former administration official. I mean that’s just, that’s not journalism, that’s horses–t. I’m sorry, that is absolute horses–t.”

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Logan is getting rave reviews for her candor and courage.

She was also honest about the media’s responsibility for at least contributing to the spread of so-called “fake news.”

“I always say the responsibility for fake news begins with us,” Logan stated. “We bear some responsibility for that. We’re not taking ownership of that and addressing it. We just want to blame it all on somebody else.”

The veteran journalist insisted that “People on all sides of the political spectrum want the truth.” She also said that most people in the news business try to provide the truth. But there is bias, she acknowledged, and she is obviously not very happy about it.

The Washington Examiner headlined its story “Bless CBS’ Lara Logan for calling out liberal media bias.” That’s probably not going to earn her any praise from fellow reporters. But it is a problem that she acknowledged and it is up to the press to do something about it.

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story indicated Logan was still with CBS. She is no longer with the network, having departed in 2018.


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