
Black Republicans call for Obama Impeachment


In just the past month, 3 black groups have protested against Obama.  The democrats have taken the black vote for granted and the blacks have played the democrats game and followed him like sheep.  It looks like that could change.  And the best argument for the liberals being the true racists can be found in the last paragraph.

The National Black Republican Association (NBRA), have called for the impeachment of President Barack Obama for his attacks on liberty and  the commission of “egregious” acts of despotism, which constitute high crimes and misdemeanors.  It is just the latest in a long line of black rebellion against Obama’s policies.

NBRA chair Frances Rice was quoted as saying, “We must fight back against tyranny or we will lose our precious freedoms and we will find ourselves living in a socialist nation under the rule of despots like in Russia, China, North Korea and Cuba.”

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