
Black Friday Shoppers Throw Over Electronics For Firearms! (VIDEO)

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This black Friday was just as hectic as any in year’s past but this year, on the heels of a very eye opening revolution at the voting booth, it appears that Americans have their priorities in a different place. Instead of upgrading to the latest, state of the art electronic devices, consumers are buying fire power. Firearm sales are way up.

Perhaps they’re preparing for a 2nd amendment revolution, just incase Trump doesn’t turn out to be the savior of the Constitution that everyone is hoping for. Or perhaps they’re just not waiting for Uncle Sam or big government to step up and “protect” them in this age of Black Lives Matter, and attacks on law enforcement. Regardless, there is no doubt, a tide has turned in America.

IJReview reported the findings.

Shooters, a gun store in Jacksonville, Florida, had a line that wrapped around the store as customers expressed their approval for combining discounts and the Second Amendment.

With prices up to 75 percent off, a number of Americans decided to ditch the TV lines and head to the gun stores instead.

Marisa Banks took advantage of the sales to purchase her daughter’s Christmas gift and get her away from her electronics:

“Well, I think this is more important than any TV that you can buy. I mean, this gets her outdoors and away from the internet and TV, just in general. Kids do that too much these days.”

This year has been one of the largest for gun sales, with over 185,000 background checks being done.

The times, they are a changin’. A return to basic Constitutional loving principles. Don’t forget to tuck a pocket constitution into everyone’s stocking this year, too.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?


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Lisa Payne-Naeger

Former elected school board member, turned homeschool mom, turned CONSERVATIVE political activist. Trying to spread the word of truth, in "new" media and drag the culture back to common sense.

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